Removing Your Personal Brand From Your Company
Today, I spoke with Laura Vanderkam, who is a columnist for USA Today, an author and a long-time journalist. She talks about how there are other career options for people these days and how you don’t have to work in a cubicle all your life. If you’re a young professional who thinks they have to …
Schawbel Report: The Current State of Personal Branding [December 2008]
A lot has happened since the last time I posted a “Schawbel Report” on the state of personal branding worldwide. The July edition had some great information on how education is evolving with social media tools, how the workplace is becoming more virtual and reputation management 2.0. I finally got around to doing my 3rd …
Personal Branding is Your Secret Weapon in the Battle for Jobs
Today, I spoke with Liz Goodgold, who is a long time branding expert, speaker, author and consultant. Liz provides a great endorsement for the fine art of personal branding 😉 and she also has great ideas around how entrepreneurs can market themselves, as well as how people can become more visible as a corporate employee. …
11/28/08: Personal Branding News and Recommendations
I want to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and would like you to enter my latest contest, when you have a minute. I’m still giving away a few more free books! Other than that, I have a few announcements from my friends and a few new books that I just finished reading.
Friend announcements…
Personal Branding Through the Eyes of a B2B Marketer
Today, I spoke with Dianna Huff, who gives us a unique perspective on personal branding through the eyes of a B2B communications expert, whose been in the marketing game for years. We discuss traditional and new marketing tools that can be used for businesses, as well as individuals, to maximize brand strength. Dianna reminds us …
Personal Branding Pitch Thanksgiving Contest
As a brand, you need to learn how to sell yourself persuasively and with haste, when communicating your message to others. Aside from being in an elevatar, you may have to pitch yourself during an interview, at a networking event, to someone at work and in other situations, possibly concerning the media. If you fail …
Grow Your Brand Inside a Company and Then Break Free
Today, I spoke with Peter Kim, whose had a very inspirational career, starting at Puma, then Forrester Research and now he’s broken away to help lead a new startup. I met Peter at the beginning of this year and we finally got around to this interview. Peter shares some great perspectives on what it takes …
By Not Having a Website You Lose Brand Equity Every Second
There are a lot of great personal brands out there that are losing the opportunity to build brand equity in their eBrands (internet properties).
For instance, if you write a guest blog post or an article for an online magazine and don’t have a website, you miss the chance to:
increase the PageRank of your…Gen-Y Brands Will Hold the Recruiting Power Very Soon!
Today, I spoke with Tamara J. Erickson, who completely made my day. She’s a generational expert and her latest book is on Gen-Y. The coolest thing I got out of this interview is the fact that the amount of jobs in our economy will be greater than the amount of Gen-Y’ers to fill positions, even …
What Do Your Google Results Say About You?
I spoke with Paul Dunay last night, who is the Global Director of Integrated Marketing at Bearing Point, as well as a B2B technology marketing blogger. During our call, we talked about people’s Google results and what that says about them. Our conversation sparked this post, which deals with identifying your current “Google results” situation …