Category: Personal Branding

ArticlesPersonal Branding

People who manage to look better when they’re overweight usually display these 10 rare traits

There’s a common misconception that slim means beautiful. But, beauty is more than just your body size.

Looking good when you’re overweight isn’t an anomaly. It’s all about certain unique traits that some people possess.

These traits not only make them look better, but also enhance their overall personality. I’m going to share with you …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

If a man displays these 10 behaviors, he has an extremely low level of discipline and self-control

There’s a clear line between discipline and lack of control. The difference is in the actions.

When a man lacks discipline and self-control, his behaviors are a dead giveaway. These behaviors don’t just crop up overnight. They’re patterns, habits that have formed over time.

Identifying these behaviors can help you understand his level of discipline …