Tag: Recommended Sites

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

Getting Your Foot in the Door: 3 Strategies to Break Into a New Career

Most working professionals have considered trying something different as a career. However, many are unable to successfully switch into a new career path because they lack key insight into the tactics that will get them noticed by hiring managers who can facilitate a significant career move.

Instead of going about their job search as they …

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Does Your Personality Mesh with Your Career?

Personality Mesh with Your Career?

Your personality is a key factor in finding happiness in your career. Unfortunately, when we make our initial career choices, we may ignore certain key traits or just focus on where we can make the most money.

Kinetic Programmer

I learned to program computers in high school in the early …

Career ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Employment Dynamic Has Shifted: Understand Benefits of ‘The Alliance’

Companies are in constant competition to attract and retain talented employees. One dynamic which challenges todays workplace is the flawed relationship between employers and employees.  Many new and successful companies assert that this is because the relationship is based on an outdated model. The older model is a throwback to a more stable time  when …

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Employers That Should Be On Every Recent Graduate’s Radar

When you work for a company that is growing, innovative and full of passionate individuals, you are much more apt to have a successful, fulfilling career.

Conversely, when you accept a job at a firm that isn’t run properly, you are bound to have your creativity handcuffed by bureaucratic management and be surrounded by unhappy, …

Career ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Quickly Manage Your Personal Brand in 5 Minutes Per Day

Let’s be honest, trying to find balance between our careers, friends and family, and personal branding is a lot of work.

However, managing your personal brand doesn’t have to be stressful or time consuming. The trick to managing your personal brand is making priorities for your brand and sticking to them.

If you want to …

Career & WealthCareer Resources

Personal Branding Weekly – Manage Things. Lead People.

I’ve never been fond of the title “community manager”.  After all, a community is created of individual people. And, for a long time, I’ve tried to live a life engaged with others with this thought in mind, “Manage Things; Lead People”. This amazing group of individuals don’t just “manage” their community – they lead, nurture, …

Career ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

4 Ways to Ask For a Flexible Work Schedule

A decade ago flexible working was considered something of a perk.

Nowadays, with smartphones, tablets and laptops, more and more of us manage to carve out arrangements that allow us to work flexibly in some shape or form.

This might mean working one day per week from home, staggering the commute or doing longer hours …

Career ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

What Neuroscience Teaches About Creativity, Stress and Getting Promoted

On the surface, stress might seem like a good way to kick-start  productivity, but studies show that when we are under stress we can’t think as broadly, widely or deeply. Stress can increase motor function but it decreases perception, cognition and creativity.

David Rock, author of Your Brain at Work and the co-founder of the …

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

How To Job Hop Without Hurting Your Career

Job hopping is a way of life for many professionals, especially millenials who balk at the notion of staying with one company for their entire career. While moving from one job to the next to get ahead is acceptable, particularly for younger workers, it’s how you do the jumping that matters.

“Everyone is allowed one …