People who attain financial freedom in their 30s often practice these 8 unique habits
There’s something so appealing about financial freedom.
And I’m not talking about the kind that lets you splurge on yachts or designer handbags—it’s the kind that gives you the freedom to say “no” to the things you don’t want and “yes” to the life you’ve always imagined.
Lately, I’ve noticed that those who achieve this …

3 Things Wannabe Writers Should Know About SEO
As a wannabe writer or blogger, you may have heard the term “SEO” be bandied about without really knowing what it means.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – essentially, making search engines display your web page high up on their rankings. Google (we could talk about other search engines, but let’s be honest, how …

Do You Embrace Change?
It was astonishing to learn that a previously successful speaker could not easily transition to the newer way of doing business. Ironically, the newer way includes being social online, and we all know that is no longer new. You can guess he is rapidly moving backward and doesn’t know what to do.
“Recognizing a problem …

20 Questions to Help Yourself Figure out Your Passion
Figuring out what you are passionate about and what you want to do for the rest of your life as a career can be quite difficult because there are countless options. Did you ever step back from everything for a few minutes and think about where your career is going and what you can do …

Develop Leadership Capability by Taking Responsibility
Have you ever been in meetings where someone backs away by essentially saying ‘that’s not my job’ although it is? Taking responsibility for areas related to your job is essential for maintaining credibility. At the very least, offer to make an introduction to the person in charge. When you wish to advance your career or …

When the Grass Seems Greener
Life sometimes feels too stressful and serious. The pressure we put on ourselves, in addition to that of partners, management, and employers, will add considerable stress.
One good remedy is to call a good friend who understands the situation and can provide sound suggestions. With nearby friends, arrange to meet on occasion for lunch or …

If You Have Only One Week What Will You Do?
If one week is all you have left, what will you do? Many frequently forget to appreciate what is in front of them while time slips away. Too many disturbances get in the way having most people choosing to remain in their comfort zone.
Is there any reason you can’t do all of what you …

Change Actions Change Results
Are you concerned about not getting their desired results or are you uncertain as to how to proceed? Most people find themselves at a literal standstill without a clue of how to get past the turmoil, so they continue to do the same.
The worst approach to improving results is not to change a thing. …

How Would You Rate the Boundaries You Set?
Throughout our childhood, we are taught boundaries for what is acceptable and what is not. We learn to accept the rules set by others, but it is an unknown as to why we are afraid to speak up when our boundaries are over-stepped. The give and take of adhering to rules and procedures apply to …

An Easy Strategy for Handling Errors
Our schedules are busier than ever, and technology is more complex taking many out of their comfort zones. The likelihood of making errors has substantially increased over time. But the worst error is in how one responds to someone else pointing out a mistake. Suggestions are made below for implementing improved strategies for overcoming errors …