Tag: Starting Up

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

People who attain financial freedom in their 30s often practice these 8 unique habits

There’s something so appealing about financial freedom.

And I’m not talking about the kind that lets you splurge on yachts or designer handbags—it’s the kind that gives you the freedom to say “no” to the things you don’t want and “yes” to the life you’ve always imagined.

Lately, I’ve noticed that those who achieve this …

Team Success
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

20 Questions to Help Yourself Figure out Your Passion

Figuring out what you are passionate about and what you want to do for the rest of your life as a career can be quite difficult because there are countless options. Did you ever step back from everything for a few minutes and think about where your career is going and what you can do …

Team meeting
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

An Easy Strategy for Handling Errors

Our schedules are busier than ever, and technology is more complex taking many out of their comfort zones. The likelihood of making errors has substantially increased over time. But the worst error is in how one responds to someone else pointing out a mistake. Suggestions are made below for implementing improved strategies for overcoming errors …