Tag: Brand Attributes

brand yourself
Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online

Once you’ve designed your personal brand and have a personal brand name, use this handy list of suggestions to implement your personal branding strategy.

General purpose Show your expertise as much as possible. Publicize your brand-related successes and achievements. Make yourself easy to contact for thoughts and questions via email, Twitter, Skype, internet messaging, etc.…
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Brand Yourself AsCorporate BrandingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Right Message, No Results? Why Audience Matters and How to Find The Right One

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things with networking, but you’re not getting results? I got an email recently from one entrepreneur who networks diligently, participating in a business leads group, local Chamber of Commerce meetings, and other events.

He writes: “I feel my presentation is adequately polished, I follow up …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningPRRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The Best Source of Personal Brand Success is Already With You

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” Napoleon Hill

It’s been said that the most lucrative source of profit for most companies is in their existing customer relationships. And, that it takes more effort to get new customers than to keep your current customers happy and …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryBrand Yourself AsNetworkingPositioningPRRelationships & Personal Growth

Unconscious Personal Branding

We talk a lot here on the Personal Branding Blog about how to project a personal brand effectively.  But, what about the messages we unconsciously project? In the last couple years, I’ve lived in some very different environments – and it’s incredibly interesting to see how I needed to change simple automatic behaviors just to …

Brand Yourself AsCareer & WealthJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingMarketingNetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSuccess Story

7 Ways to Land Great Consulting Work While In Between Jobs

It is no secret that I am currently funding my job search through consulting work. This has many career-management benefits, but today I’m going to write about the only one you probably care about – green stuff to make your rent and buy groceries. Here are 7 ways to get yourself started and turn your …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

How Adding a Tailored Sound Bite to My Resume Doubled Interview Requests

Have you ever watched stars on the red carpet? When they are interviewed, there is one universal theme to their answers – Short and Sweet. Memorable. Quotable. Also known as the Sound Bite.

Personal branding sound bite

I recently added a “Profile” section to my resume, which serves as my personal branding sound bite to …