Category: People

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmentInterviewNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Janine Driver

Today, I spoke to Janine Driver, aka the “Lyin’ Tamer,” body language contributor to NBC’s Today show and CEO of the Body Language Institute. Here new book is called You Say More Than You Think: The 7-Day Plan on Using the New Body Language to get What You Want! (Crown). In this interview, Janine talks …

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmentInterviewNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Lynn Taylor

Today, I spoke to Lynn Taylor, who is the author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant™ , a workplace expert, speaker and consultant. In this interview, Lynn talks about how to get a promotion right now, how to get ahead despite the economy, the important of staying relevant, connecting with coworkers on social networks and …

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmentInterviewJob SearchPeoplePersonal BrandingRecruitmentSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Susan Whitcomb

Today, I spoke to Susan Whitcomb, who is the founder and president of The Academies and author of the new book, The Twitter Job Search Guide. In this interview, Susan explains what her own branding model is as a career coach, what you should and shouldn’t include on a resume, and brand consistency for job …