Category: Marketing

Marketing Types
Brand MysteryMarketingMedia Branding

11 Differences Between Branding and Marketing You Need to Understand

What’s one difference between branding and marketing that people often misunderstand?

The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow …

brand matchupMarketing

13 Ways to Researching Your Competing Brands

What is one tip for doing research into brands that may be similar to yours and therefore potential competitors?

The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program …

team branding
brand matchupBrand MysteryMarketing

10 Factors That Determine a Great Hire’s Personal Brand

What do you look for when evaluating potential employees’ personal brands?

The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow …

Social Media Network SEO

9 Signs Your Brand’s Communication Is Suffocating Its Audience

What’s one sign you are over-communicating when it comes to your brand?

The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and …

Post Its Adults Brainstorming
Career & WealthmanagementMarketingMedia Branding

10 Ways to See Your Brand With Fresh Eyes

The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

1. Let Someone Else Do the Looking 

“It’s really difficult …

Cooperation Discuss
Career & WealthMarketingMiscPositioning

5 Questions to Ask Before You Launch Your Info Product

Although there’s still value in education via hard copy, tons of digital nomads are on the hunt for quick answers. There’s an opportunity to capitalize on this trend, by using the sale of information products. The following questions will help you triple check your product creation, and profit from this opportunity.

Does this product accurately …

Digital Marketing iPad
Brand Yourself AsCorporate BrandingMarketingMe 2.0PositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentSound Branding

Think Like a Brand

As a companion piece to an earlier post about important elements of branding, I felt it apropos to discuss the intellectual aspects of brand activity. Why do I refer to it as brand activity? Because your brand must be active. All of the elements within are actions that keep your brand alive. Thus, because a …

Brand Yourself AsEmployer BrandingMarketingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial MediaSound Branding

Now It’s Time To Show Your Character(s) On Twitter

In case you missed it, a certain corner of the social media world experienced an influx of joy, celebratory actions and a splash of a surprise this week when Twitter announced changes to the way we will tweet.

When news of new ways around Twitter’s 140-character limit were announced, people rejoiced, screamed emphatically, and waved …