Why Do Many Small Business Owners Dislike Writing?
Many small business owners dislike writing so much they avoid it as much as possible, or put it off until the last minute.
Many small business owners can talk the moss off a rock, but freeze when asked to write an article, a series of blog posts, or–heaven forbid!–a book to promote their business and …
Best Practices for One Sheet Personal Brand-Building Success
They’re practical, effective, and efficient tools that can distributed for free as email attachments or website downloads. You can also use your desktop printer to print and mail them, as needed, or distribute them at networking events.
One of the best ways you …
Inbound Marketing: A Sound Strategy for Your Brand
Unless you are one of those lucky folks with a sizable budget at your disposal to invest in PR and advertising efforts in order to promote your personal or business brand (and whether you know it or not), you will in all likelihood be using inbound marketing techniques to reach your targeted audience and generate …
Personal Branding Magazine Issue 18 With Clayton Christensen!
Volume 5, Issue 2 focuses on how to innovate and cause disruption in your industry. Clayton Christensen, featured in our cover story, is a pioneer when it comes to teaching companies how to build and maintain a successful enterprise through innovation. “Disruption innovation,” a …
Position Your Brand for Today’s Transformations
Branding your company, products, and services has always been important—even more so today as we have access to brands from all over the world fighting for relevance in the consumer’s mind. That means you need to find new ways to stand out to gain attention.
I recently heard about an interesting study where researchers, using …
Writing Tools, Part 1 – Why Authors Need iPads
An Apple iPad can make a major contribution to your writing and marketing success, whether you’re a self-employed professional writing a book to build your brand or an entrepreneur creating social media content to market your small business.
I can understand, though, if you think I’ve overstated the benefits of writing and marketing with an …
Avoid Using Your Employer’s Name in Your Twitter Account
Using your employer’s name in your Twitter account can be a little problematic for you for a number of different reasons. Unless you’re using an employee-specific account, you’re going to have problems if you use your employer’s name as part of your personal brand.
Let’s say you work for Lamplighters Lighting Solutions and you launch …
Personal Branding Interview: Jason Keith
Today, I spoke to Jason Keith, who is the senior communications manager at Vistaprint and runs the small business blog at Boston.com. In this interview, Jason talks about how social media can waste a small businesses time, tips for companies who want to build a brand in this bad economy, and much more.
You say…How to Find SEO Low-Hanging Fruit
Every marketer is looking for a niche, or an angle. From the basement affiliate to the Fortune 500 CMO, we share that in common.
With 10 years and counting as an SEO, it feels like a never-ending quest to uncover something that the competition isn’t giving the proper attention to. Or a new niche to …
Writers Need to Promote Themselves, or Go Unread
Writers hate marketing. Or most of them do. They hate promoting themselves, talking about themselves, or drawing attention to themselves in any way, any time, ever.
Writers — for the most part — are humble, and don’t like to “brag” about themselves. Of course, they equate “bragging” with telling people they just published a …