Category: Skill Development

Job SearchPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 3

Cigarette advertising was banned from radio and television in 1971. In addition, while not legislated, many television networks have made it a policy to eliminate advertising of alcoholic beverages… or restrict such advertising based upon the age of program viewership. Both of these actions were intended to eliminate negative influencing of impressionable audiences. With such …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Embracing Limits Increases Productivity

The above title may sound a bit contradictory. However, the recognition of what your maximum capacity is will prevent you from over-committing to unanticipated requests. Given the goals we have set for ourselves, along with the must-do task list, the frequently arriving requests could well put one into overwhelm if not dealt with properly

Your …

Personal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Don’t Become a Victim Just Because You Work in a Toxic Workplace

“Toxic workplaces” are a hot topic in business literature currently. And apparently, rightfully so – negative work environments seem to be growing, both in number and in their reach across multiple sectors. Employee surveys continue to document the downward spiral of job satisfaction and employee engagement across all types of industries and work environments.

But …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Staying Personal While Expanding Your Business

It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to build a business large enough that they cannot manage every aspect of it themselves. For the few people that do succeed at doing this, however, there are unexpected challenges. For starters, the larger your business is, the more difficult it is to maintain a personal touch. Large companies quickly acquire …

Job SearchPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 2

Failure to Launch was a 2006 romantic comedy in which Matthew McConaughey was a thirty-something who was perfectly happy living at home with his parents. Unfortunately, the term “failure to launch” has become more generally associated in the 21st century with college graduates and other twenty-somethings who are living at home out of necessity. Their …

authors cornerCareer DevelopmentCareer ResourcesInterviewMarketingMedia BrandingPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentSuccess StrategiesWorkplace Success

The Discomfort Zone: An Interview with Dr. Marcia Reynolds

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Marcia Reynolds, author of the new book, The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, October 2014). Dr. Reynolds works with clients around the world who seek to develop effective leaders, and understands organizational cultures, what blocks communication and innovation, and what …

Personal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Today’s Very Bad Rap On Millennials’ Reputation

Harvard University Institute of Politics reports that most Millennials will not bother to vote in the midterm elections. According to Fox News, Millennials are too busy “looking hot” or “depending on the government” to vote, and they should be discouraged from going to the polls to vote for their interests.

Millennials? Could this be true? …