Make the Ask … Everyone Wins
Put it right up front.
Put it out there.
Ask for what you want.
Up Front Is Better
There are two lines of thinking here. My thinking is driven by a VP I used to work with at Microsoft. He suggested that people put the ask up front. He didn’t want a lot of pre-amble. …
Mentors and Inspirators – The Need for Both
Many people cannot answer the question below. Can you?
Do you have a mentor?
If you can answer this question, great. If you can’t… this is the year to address this.
What if I asked you… Who was your first mentor?
I’ll bet you could think of someone right away. Perhaps a teacher, scout leader, …

Is Someone Getting the Best Out of You?
Every day we wake up we have a choice. We can choose to plod through the day or not. We can choose to go thru the motions or not. We can choose to do our best work or not. I tend to fall into the last point here. Sure, there are days when you …

The Rule of 555 Meaning Law of Attraction
The Rule of 555 meaning law of attraction is simple… It’s all about determining the value and implications of some action or decision.This is The Rule of 555 in a nutshell
When you’re trying to make a decision think about how it will impact you in: Five Days, Five Weeks, Five Years. That’s it!…

Are you Talking Past Each Other?
Too often these days we end up talking past each other.
When the other person is talking to often we are thinking about what we want to say next or what we missed saying the last time we had our opportunity to talk.
That is a classic case of talking past each other.
What can …

Work Smarter, Not Harder… Today
That old saying of Work Smarter Not Harder is very easy to say.
However, it’s much hard to do.
To Stand Out in Your Career it will take focus, practice, and foresight.
In order to start Working Smarter and Not Harder… Today. You’ll need to brace yourself, prepare yourself, and hold yourself accountable for both …

Use Weekends to Catch Up, Get Ahead, or Re-Charge
Which suits you the best?
Do you use weekends as a chance to catch up, get ahead, or re-charge?
There is no wrong answer. However if you consistently find yourself playing catch-up you may want to reevaluate your ability to say no.
Knowing when and how to say no can allow you to focus on …

Just Tell Me All the Bad Stuff
Many years ago I was asked to evaluate a speech for a Toastmasters event where the speaker was preparing for the regional championship. Wining at this level meant he would go onto to the international level. It was a big stepping stone. The speaker asked us to do him a favor before he got started. What he said caught my attention …

You Are Your Assumptions
Everyone does it.
Everyone allows their biases into their thought processes. Both the conscious and unconscious biases.
It’s human nature.
Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Just remember… You are your assumptions.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. At least not forever and for everything. You can take a proactive role in seeking …

Reputation Is a Currency
In the gig economy your reputation precedes you.
As automation begins to make some jobs more scarce others will crop up to serve the gig economy.
Your ability to stand out and differentiate yourself from others may come down to one thing… Your reputation.
Reputation is a Currency
The fact is… Reputation has always been …