The Hedonic Treadmill and Your Spin Rate
When was the last time you bought something that you really wanted?
How long after you bought it where you coming down off that buyers high?
That is the Hedonic Treadmill
Where you have highs and lows yet they are quickly attenuated back to your normal state of being.
This is, for better or worse, …

Know When to Move On
Recently I was talking with a few friends at Microsoft.
They had all done something that might seem a little crazy.
They resigned from their current positions.
They moved on!
Prompting me to wonder…
When is the right time to move on?
Asking this question is important. It’s important to think about moving on. It’s …

Putting the 80-20 Rule to Work
If you have ever painted a room or a house you know it’s all about the preparation.
You’ll know a majority of the work is in the preparation.
The actual “work” takes only a fraction of the time.
This is the same for taking tests or doing projects at work.
This is The Pareto Principle …

Embrace the Red Carpet Keepers
This post was inspired by a picture I saw of Sir Richard Branson.
Where he is having some fun as he steps off The Red Carpet.
It got me thinking about how he seems to Embrace the Red Carpet Keepers and what we can learn from that.
What happens when YOU step off the red …

What’s Your Time Really Worth?
Everyone wants to make more money, right?
The reasons why people want to make more money are as varied as the number of people on the planet.
The challenge is… How do you insure you are getting what you are worth?
And, the sub-question is… How do you value your time properly so that you …

So, You Need to Make $1000 Quickly
How would you go about doing it?
Assuming you need to earn it legally.
And, I’ll throw in that you should do so within ethical and moral bounds too.
So, how will you make $1000 quickly
Think about it for a minute. Now think about it for another minute.
How will you do it? Where…
Are We Negotiating?
The simple answer is yes.
The slightly more complex answer is always.
As noted in this post I wrote about Microsoft’s Kati Quigley and her thoughts on Everyday Negotiation it is not necessary to be a natural born negotiator.
Some people are born this way. If you happen to be one of them … congratulations. …

So, You Want to Be a Futurist?
Where do you start?
How do you know when you’re done?
This second question is supposed to be funny. I hope you at least smiled.
I think the best way to start is by reading and watching what known and renowned futurists in your industry are doing. Also, by diving deep into areas where you …

When to Use The 2 Minute Rule
When you are in a heated discussion there is a tried and true technique to help get things back on track.
It’s called The Two Minute Rule.
I heard about this in Ray Dalio’s seminal book Principles. If you haven’t heard of Ray Dalio that’s OK. But, you should know he built a $160 billion …

Work The Problem
In the movie and the book “The Martian“ the main character Mark Watney has a running monologue with himself where he says a lot of things to help us, the reader and viewer, to be able to follow along. He talks about being a Space Pirate and flying like Ironman and that space does not …