Personal Branding Weekly and Sharing is Word of Mouth
Editor’s Note: From a week of family and gratitude to a week of goal setting and celebrations, this time of the year tests all of us and our ability to focus.
Perhaps during a quiet moment today and on Monday you can review this list and find something that will help you …
INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Tips for Telling Your Story with Video
Check out this infographic for video ideas and tips on how to get your personal brand across well on camera.
My team and I created this as an add-on to my ebook Camera Ready…but even if you don’t need video tips, you might want to consider designing an infographic to supplement and explain your services …
The New Era of Personal Marketing 2.0
Aside from the increasing number of those who make a living directly out of them, the greatest impact of the social media revolution in the years to come will be felt by the rest of us in two different yet complementary fields: the extraordinary new possibilities to communicate and interact digitally (that is after all …
The Key to Making Videos That Turn Into Clicks
The New York Times had a telling article on small businesses earlier this month. The piece was called Small Players Seek an Alternative to the Expense of Pay-Per-Click and explained that, while Google Ad Sense was once a fantastic and affordable way of attracting web traffic, it’s become way too expensive.
It told the story …
Personal Branding Weekly and Facebook Marketing You
Personal Branding Weekly
EDITOR’S NOTE: I’m catching up this week as much as you are on the great insights of our authors. I spent the week in intense training and networking at #PubCon. I had hoped to have a great post to you about all of it this week and found (which often happens at …
The Personal Branding Weekly and Daily LinkedIn Importance
This week we were challenged to live our life more curiously; what happens when there’s a huge disconnect between words and actions and the importance of criticism without being a ‘door mat’.
In fact, if you missed any of them this week – they’re right here:
Are You A Catalyst? by Deborah…Promotional Gifts as Part of the Nurturing Campaign
Promotional products and business gifts are both time-tested ways of getting your name out there in front of the crowd. Nearly every major company spends time and resources on producing and distributing these items at tradeshows, product showcases, etc.
But, have you thought of the concept through? Is the “gimme” the end of your campaign …
Create Your Personal Brand…then Be It!
I just finished writing my third book and included a section on branding. Putting it together was eye-opening because it forced me to think about my personal brand. After all, in telling other creative professionals how to innovate and advance their brands, I thought about whether I was following my own advice.
One thing I …
Use Your Micro Brand for Extra Perks
Do you have a micro brand? Do you know what a micro brand is?
Your micro brand is that thing you do on the side, but are still known for. If your primary personal brand is what people understand you do and stand for, your micro brand is that sideline or hobby that you enjoy …
When They Just Aren’t That Into You
The toughest thing about creating a personal brand is just that—it’s personal.
So when someone doesn’t like you or how you present yourself, it hurts in a way that’s very different from representing a company or organization.
With video or TV appearances, it’s particularly tough because you are judged not just on what you say …