Tag: Video

Personal Branding

Why Influencer Marketing Is Important For Brands

A trusted brand recommendation is important when attracting the audience. High-level influencer connections can help you connect with those prospects, which can make a significant impact on your visibility and sales.

How can your brand gain more recognition online? By forging the right relationships with individuals and business leaders. Daily conversations can help your brand …

InterviewMedia BrandingPersonal Brandingtv

Video Presentations: One Easy Way to Keep Them Watching

Audiences make snap judgments about anyone on camera. Viewers immediately assume someone is hostile if they look slightly angry. A confused look can come across as dopey. A blank face looks snooty or boring. That’s because video amplifies every facial expression—and often viewers don’t stick around to find out if their first impression was wrong. …

Career DevelopmententrepreneurshipMe 2.0Personal Branding

Dealing with Presentation Nerves On Stage and On Camera

With the popularity of TedTalks and Slideshare, GoogleHangouts and Skype, presentations are everywhere. If you haven’t been doing them already, sooner or later you’ll be asked to show off what you know either onstage or on camera.

This is a debilitating prospect for many of us. I know so many people who are great 1-on-1 …