Tag: Personal Branding

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Working on Your Brand Delivers Cutting Edge Skills

A successful personal brand differentiates you as a dynamic, growing professional, so it evolves along with market demands (employer requirements) and your growing skills. When your skills keep current with changing market demands, your brand stays relevant and you maximize your earnings potential. From a practical POV, this demands an objective way to track relentlessly …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

A Cup of Coffee to Personal Article Marketing

Today is the day to begin showcasing your expertise online so searchers will find your name attached to some well-written, helpful, and informative content. When done right, personal article marketing is a sure fire way to solidify your personal brand, increase your credibility, and prove yourself a thought leader in your industry.

Focus on the…
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Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Branding Has To Be Part Of A Career Success Plan

In a less secure professional world than anyone has ever known, you need a tougher, more pragmatic approach to managing your professional life.  It’s time to stop thinking of yourself simply as a job title and an employee, because this point-of-view has you psychologically shackled to entities that can, and will, dispose of your services …

eBrandRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

3 Best Free Twitter Background Makers for Your Personal Brand

How to have a personal brand-building background image on your Twitter profile that looks like it came from a professional graphic designer… almost.

Although there are many websites that let you download Twitter backgrounds, here I focus on the few sites that let you generate backgrounds with your own personal branding information.

1) Twitbacks

Alexa: …

MarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

How to Make Your Social Networking Stand Out

What makes a social media plan work, especially in the world of personal branding?

Huffington Post recently visited this topic and gave insight into some of The Best Publishers On Twitter And Facebook.  The publishers mentioned demonstrate successful social media plans. I wanted to look at the different ways to promote your personal brand through …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Are You Making These 5 Personal Branding Mistakes?

There are plenty of “must-dos” for personal branding — things like how Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can help you land a job or grow your business when used correctly. But are you aware of the “don’ts” you might be doing?


Not every platform is the right one for communicating your message. Sending inappropriate or …