Do the Opposite of What the Industry Leaders Do
When people dig for gold, don’t pick up a shovel and dig with them; instead, sell shovels.
The best way to stand out above the crowd is to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. But for companies and professionals, it doesn’t make sense to blindly go against the crowd. Instead, it’s best …
Personal Branding Accelerates Professional Advancement
Smart, strategic personal branding can accelerate professional advancement. There is no getting around it, ignoring its importance, or doing it half heartedly.
What a smart, strategic personal branding plan and blueprint can do is frame what you stand for and how to stand out, get noticed and become credible in your field or community. How …
3 Reasons Why Your Personal Brand Strategy Requires Video
Remember when you first created a website? You needed to include a newsletter sign-up, then decided to add social elements like Facebook and Twitter…but later Pinterest and Google+ came along. It seems like there is always something NEW to explore.
So as the summer ends and you get back into work mode, it’s time to …
What I Wish I Knew as an Undergraduate
4 years ago I presented to a group of UCLA undergraduates about Entrepreneurship vs the Corporate World. My goal was to show undergraduates how they can break the template lifestyle and say “No” to the corporate job that they believe they need to get. As an undergraduate, I too was brain-washed into believing that the …
13 Branding Experts to Follow on Twitter
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The YEC recently published #FixYoungAmerica: How to Rebuild Our Economy and Put Young Americans Back to Work (for Good), a book of 30+ …
10 Ways to Combine Your Personal and Product Brand
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The YEC recently published #FixYoungAmerica: How to Rebuild Our Economy and Put Young Americans Back to Work (for Good), …
Personal Branding For A New Comedian
How can a comedian brand himself or herself, in order to win new fans and build a following that will get comedy club owners to book them?
I was asked that question recently by Jennifer Bianchi, a former lawyer turned comedian, who was wondering what she could do to win the attention of more fans.…
Gen Y Are You Ready To Become Entrepreneurs?
I’m a Baby Boomer who has ignored the glass ceiling, age bias and has become an active, current example that “Women are The New Power Demo”. I am unfortunately not in the majority.
The Kauffman Foundation published a info-graphic about how the “Untapped Potential for Expanding Women’s Entrepreneurship Holds Promise to Grow the U.S. Economy” …
The Kama Sutra of Business
Who knew that physical positions mattered so much when it comes to generating novel, useful and profitable business ideas? Your feet, your hands and your use of space directly impact your fluency (how many ideas you can generate), flexibility (the sheer number of ideas) and originality.
In recent studies conducted at the University of Michigan …
One Baby Step
Could it be a trial offer that costs just $1, and a payment of significantly more – if the trial offer proves to be valuable and effective?
We all think of hitting home runs, of developing the …