Train the Trainer in Personal Branding
I was recently asked to conduct a Train the Trainer session with Program Managers for a major university’s continuing education organization. They wanted a brief session on the importance of Personal Branding.
The Program Managers were specifically interested two things:
1. The concept of personal branding as a career tool
2. How incoming students are …
Michael Phelps: How To Fix Your Google CV
After his recent pot smoking incident, Michael Phelps’ Google CV went from stellar to cellar. Here’s what he can do to repair the damage.
News travels faster than everDan Schawbel’s interview with Ehud Furman explained that a Google CV is “the Google search results page returned for a name search”. In How Michael Phelps …
When You’re Not Up for Personal Branding
Last week, I spent the whole workweek in bed with an awful cold that not only kept me coughing, but fogged up my entire brain so badly I couldn’t write. It wasn’t just that I didn’t have the energy to write – I literally didn’t have the mental capacity to do so. I couldn’t think …
Personal Branding in the Classroom?
I had a discussion with a friend late last night. He is an old roommate and is now in Japan doing his last semester of law school. While he is a regular reader of my blog, he actually finds personal branding very hard to understand. I’m still trying to determine whether that’s a factor of …
The Importance of Personal Branding
Personal Branding has taken center stage in 2009, and appropriately so. In business, a brand is everything that your customers know about you. Every contact they have with you helps to build that brand, good or bad. As it relates to personal branding, the economic times are creating a tight jobs market and competition is …
Brand Yourself for the Job You Want in Three Years
Personal branding is a pretty hot topic right now. With such an unstable job market, a lot of people are starting to think about the image they’re projecting to the world. Job seekers especially are doing everything they can to make their personal brand as impressive as possible.
Since you’re reading this blog, you’re probably …

11 Rules for Personal Branding Results with Avatars
Here are the rules for personal branding to reinforcing your personal brand online:
What is the goal of your personal avatar?If your avatar is meant to help people recognize you online only, the choice of image isn’t as important as the necessity to use the same image wherever you can.
However, if your avatar …
Personal and Professional Brand Balance
In the words of the great comedian Mitch Hedburg
“You cannot make all of the people happy all the time, and last night all of those people were at my show.”
This is as true in life as it is on stage.
Unless you are an independent contractor, consultant or community marketer, your personal brand …
Personal Brand Equity
Global firms spend billions of dollars a year in the pursuit of building and maintaining strong brands. They know that a strong, recognizable brand can drive revenue growth and mitigate competitive risk. Even in times of recession, some gutsy marketing executives request marketing dollars to continue brand building because of the effect a strong brand …
Do You Know Your Audience?
A friend sent me an email the other day asking for help. “Can you read through my blog post and make some suggestions for how to improve it?” he asked.
“Sure.” I replied. “Could you tell me who your audience is? I can’t evaluate anything without knowing who you’re writing for.”
His response showed that …