Category: Success Strategies

entrepreneurshipSuccess StorySuccess Strategies

The Complexities of Entrepreneurial Selling

Selling to the modern day buyer requires that you enter the world of the modern day buyer.  They feel their buying options are endless, constant interruptions from emails and social media alerts have significantly damaged their ability focus, they are told different things from each vendor they contact, yet believe themselves to be more informed…
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Career DevelopmentCareer ResourcesJob SearchPersonal BrandingPositioningSkill DevelopmentSuccess Strategies

4 ‘Never-Fail’ Negotiation Tips from an Expert

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week’s post (What’s Usually Negotiable in Job Offer, What’s Not) focused on four  elements of the typical job offer that usually are open to negotiation (salary, starting date, vacation days and relocation reimbursement) and three elements that rarely if ever are open to negotiation (insurance benefits, company retirement plans and paid time …

Corporate BrandingEmployer BrandingRecruitmentSuccess Strategies

Recruiting Employees Who Win

In business, the companies that hire the best employees are the companies that win. This concept sounds simple, executing on it is an entirely different story. Despite more efficient job ad targeting and increased usage of social recruiting, hiring “difference makers” is – and always has been – a tall sales order.

It’s basic recruiting …