One Simple Tip to Make it Easier to Engage
I don’t know about you, but there are times when I just want to pick up the phone and call someone. Just today I wanted to call a colleague to do a quick check-in on something. But, I was stopped dead in my tracks.
What Stopped Me?It was something simple. Something so easy to …
The Problem with Gifts of Appreciation
Sometimes they miss the mark.
Giving that Starbucks card to the person who doesn’t like coffee. The gift card to a steakhouse to someone who’s a vegetarian. Or, the plaque to that person who doesn’t have a wall to put it on.
And often gifts of recognition are confused with a gift of appreciation. They’re …
How to Upgrade Your Resume, Part 4
Would you like a resume that helps you advance your career by appealing to hiring managers and recruiters who review your resume? As an executive career coach who sees hundreds and writes many resumes each month, I can tell you that less than 10% of the resumes out there are effective. I want you to …
Are YOU Still Laboring in ‘Stable Misery’? Why?!
One of the great ironies of life is that, while so many of us both fear and dread change, it is really the only genuine, reliable constant in our lives. Some people will suffer almost any indignity and/or inconvenience and go to virtually any lengths to avoid making a change in their lives–no matter how …
Ways to Get Help While in Transition
The first question is, Why do you need help to start with? After all, in the past, you were always able to find jobs. Well, today things are different. There aren’t many open jobs to begin with, and the competition for those few is fierce. So, let’s think about good reasons to get assistance.
Your…Adam Corolla’s Method to Build a Powerful Personal Brand
Adam Corolla is a radio personality, comedian, actor and television host recognized as Hollywood’s most successful soloprenuer masquerading as a comedian. Adam is best known for hosting the “Adam Corolla Show,” which is his own personal show that began as a radio program but is now a hugely successful talk show that is distributed via …
Conducting New Improved Business
No doubt you have heard commercials, many times over, that state “we have a new and improved…”. The potential problem with this relates to how the remainder of the advertisement is communicated.
Most often and unfortunately, we feel dim-witted for having purchased the previous version of the product. On the other hand, when the improvement …
10 Words to Never Use for Your Personal Brand
Everyone has a unique personal brand.
When it comes to defining your personal brand, it’s important to be very careful in what you say when describing yourself. Words are incredibly powerful and can be interpreted in a number of different ways when misused.
To protect your reputation and your brand, it’s absolutely necessary you avoid …
How To Value Yourself So Others Will, Too
Twice each year, I give a personal branding boot camp on campus at UCLA. The single hardest part of camp will be helping each participant appreciate themselves. Appreciating yourself is a weird concept for most people. We are used to talking about our strengths and weaknesses. We are comfortable talking about our hard and soft …
Personal Branding Weekly – It’s No Picnic
For our readers in the U.S. and Canada, Happy Labor/Labour Day!
For many small business owners, it’s time to get back to business.
The summertime can be overwhelming. Juggling kid’s, activities and family reunions/vacations and still be accessible to clients, can take its toll on even the most driven entrepreneurs.
Let’s get back to business!…