13 Physical Gestures That Are Immediate Business Turnoffs
What is one physical gesture (hand gestures, etc.) that turns you off when meeting other businesspeople and why?
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that …
Are Networking Events Obsolete?
Are Networking Events Obsolete?
You heard me right when I asked if networking events are obsolete.
I think networking events are highly inefficient. I took several years off in my career to teach high school math, and then I spent a year in the non-profit sector. During that year, I attended a lot of networking …
When Silence is Golden in Building Your Personal Brand
“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”― Mark Twain
Many times it’s difficult not to respond to someone, especially when we feel we’ve been attacked or provoked. Our natural impulse is to react defensively and all too often our impulsive response makes things much …
Pre-New Year Business Planning Prep
The New Year is right around the corner. Hopefully you’re finishing the year off strong in your business. But while you’re dealing with increased holiday busyness, it’s also a good time to begin preparing for the next year. Before you can make plans for your business next year, you need to have a sense of …
Startup Advice From 14 of the Most Popular Brand Owners
Who is your favorite “startup celebrity” and what’s the number one lesson they’ve taught you about entrepreneurship?
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps …
Tips for Customer Building Communication
Online communication with your brand’s customers is not about just sharing information, but rather personal interaction with them, otherwise known as customer-centric marketing. In order to establish trust and build relationships it’s important to respond to the needs of your connections.
How can your personal brand connect with customers …
It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done
How many times have you been told “That’s Impossible!” in your life?
Whether it was by someone in authority, a peer or even by yourself?
The title of this post is from a quote by Nelson Mandela. If you have seen the movie Invictus or read about what he overcame to unite his country you …
End Job Interview with a BANG!, Not a Whimper
As the typical job interview comes to a close, and after the candidate has already been asked numerous questions, most hiring managers will wrap everything up with a final question for the candidate. How the candidate answers this question can dictate whether he or she leaves the interview with a BANG! or, more typically, with …
MOOCs and the Coming University Mergers
If you are considering going to college or going back to college in the near future, I recommend you read my last post titled How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 3. I ended it with:
“Dinosaurs are dead. Is higher education (as we now know it) headed for a slot beside them in the …
So Tell Me, What Are Your Weaknesses?
This is one of the most dreaded interview questions, but if you understand the reason interviewers ask it and what they’re looking to uncover, you’ll see that you can certainly prepare for it.
The question about your weaknesses comes fairly soon after the interview begins and typically after such a question as, What are your …