Category: Personal Branding

Career DevelopmentInterviewPersonal BrandingPositioningSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Timely ‘Thank You’ Note/Email Often Job Tie-Breaker

LOOKING FOR AN EASY, YET VERY EFFECTIVE WAY TO DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF IN A VERY POSITIVE WAY FROM THE “COMPETITION,” i.e., others seeking the same position(s) as you, during a new job search? Simply send a timely, well-written, short “Thank You” note or email following each and every face-to-face interview with a hiring manager.

Oh, you …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchMarketingPersonal BrandingPositioningSkill DevelopmentSuccess Strategies

How to Craft Job Search Emails That Get Read

AS A PROFESSIONAL HEADHUNTER I GET LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF EMAILS EACH AND EVERY BUSINESS DAY FROM POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR POSITIONS I AM ATTEMPTING TO FILL for our recruiting firm’s hiring company clients. Here is a sad, depressing, discouraging fact about the overwhelming majority of these emails: Most are very poorly written and constructed, confused and …