Trust Yourself; You’re Not Just Lucky
Yes, timing and luck contribute to your success. But you also contributed to your success.
One of my early mentors, a long time member of Young Presidents Organization told me that he and his fellow YPOers had to learn to trust their competence — just like everyone else does.
He taught me that the first …
Big Revenue for Small Businesses
In case you missed it, I just completed a series of posts that addressed Big Challenges for Small Business Owners. The three challenge discussed were people, finances and time. Assuming you have these three big challenges under control, what’s next?
Let me suggest one obvious topic: Sales.
Many successful entrepreneurs and small business owners have …
Timely ‘Thank You’ Note/Email Often Job Tie-Breaker
LOOKING FOR AN EASY, YET VERY EFFECTIVE WAY TO DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF IN A VERY POSITIVE WAY FROM THE “COMPETITION,” i.e., others seeking the same position(s) as you, during a new job search? Simply send a timely, well-written, short “Thank You” note or email following each and every face-to-face interview with a hiring manager.
Oh, you …
Protecting Your Business and Personal Brand During a Fire
Small or large, as soon as you hire on employees, you increase your chances of having to fire someone by 100%. Inevitably, the time will come when a worker is not performing to your standards or has done something against company policy. While many firings aren’t hostile, it nevertheless is an important step to take …
Can I Borrow a Cup of … Internet?
This is the season of excuses.
Actually, the season of excuses occurs more frequently than the ones that come to mind more readily: winter, spring, summer or fall. The season of excuses is familiar to every student and every teacher. It would shock and appall those who are funding education, loaning money for it or …
Caution: Car Wrecks and Human Wrecks
When you drive you may be the one who stays at the speed limit at all times, stops at stop signs and red lights, remains in your lane, and signals well before changing lanes. Even though you are doing everything right, someone in another vehicle rams through the stop light at break neck speed, blind …
One Trait Every Good Boss Appreciates
Great employees, the ones who get picked for the best projects and most frequently get promotions are generally more tuned into the needs of their boss and can work well with others. They can anticipate needs and address issues before they become problems. They are also good at harnessing others’ strengths and they exude a …
How to Use Other Sites to Boost Your Personal Brand
There are a lot of ways that you can build your brand online and it certainly starts with your own website, blog and social media profiles. In order to take your expertise to the next level, though, it’s important to find ways for third-party sites to reference you – either by name or through linking. …
Three Things Every Grad Should Be Doing
As we enter the graduation season I’d like to ask every graduate to consider these three things. For some people this is already part of their DNA and they’ve been doing them for years. For others they might be doing one or two of them regularly. I’m suggesting at this important milestone that you do …
How to Craft Job Search Emails That Get Read
AS A PROFESSIONAL HEADHUNTER I GET LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF EMAILS EACH AND EVERY BUSINESS DAY FROM POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR POSITIONS I AM ATTEMPTING TO FILL for our recruiting firm’s hiring company clients. Here is a sad, depressing, discouraging fact about the overwhelming majority of these emails: Most are very poorly written and constructed, confused and …