Category: Personal Branding

Brand Yourself AsEmployer BrandingMarketingPersonal BrandingPositioningSocial MediaSound Branding

Now It’s Time To Show Your Character(s) On Twitter

In case you missed it, a certain corner of the social media world experienced an influx of joy, celebratory actions and a splash of a surprise this week when Twitter announced changes to the way we will tweet.

When news of new ways around Twitter’s 140-character limit were announced, people rejoiced, screamed emphatically, and waved …

Teamwork Tips
Career DevelopmentCorporate BrandingPersonal BrandingWorkplace Success

Working for a Startup vs. a Corporation

Both types of companies have advantages and disadvantages. Below you can have a look at them.


Corporate companies provide a safer environment. They are financially secure so you can be sure that you will receive your paycheck every month. You have a defined job role. Everybody knows their responsibilities. Therefore, it is enough to…
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Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentCorporate BrandingEmployer BrandingMe 2.0Personal BrandingSkill DevelopmentSound Branding

Branding Lesson: Revels, Advocate

As much as I enjoy discussing the similarities between personal and corporate branding, it is just as important to examine the relationship between the two as well as the nuances within. No matter your career “vertical,” an understanding of the way these two types of branding are connected coupled with the points where you can …