Are You Ready To Work FILO Hours?
I think most new employees expect this.
I think most experienced employees are ready to commit.
I know every entrepreneur lives this.
It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to realize that First In Last Out hours, aka FILO Hours, are expected and de rigueur when starting a career or transitioning roles.
You’ve gotta put …
Think Like a Brand
As a companion piece to an earlier post about important elements of branding, I felt it apropos to discuss the intellectual aspects of brand activity. Why do I refer to it as brand activity? Because your brand must be active. All of the elements within are actions that keep your brand alive. Thus, because a …
Being Nimble with Your Personal Brand
Known as the simply insightful relationship manager, Nimble is the answer to the white noise that is ever pervasive in today’s excessive social media world. Including email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and inter-office programs, trying to keep up with current contacts as well as grow individual networks has become – for lack of a …
Virtual Meeting Prep
Before you join in a video conference or virtual meeting of any kind, think through the ramifications of what’s about to happen. Take at least a little time to create a positive impression with your visual surroundings and make the exchange productive for all. Outline your objective. Rehearse your points so that you can:
• …
10 Things Your LinkedIn Profile Should Reveal in 10 Seconds
Some people call LinkedIn the Facebook of the working world. While the platform definitely draws comparisons, employers don’t search it to be updated on your latest party or to play Candy Crush. They want to learn more about you and your professional experience.
Once an employer reaches your profile, they’ll want to know some things …
7 Inspirational Instagram Accounts to Follow for Your Career
Many of you probably use Instagram to follow the lives of your friends and family members and maybe learn about the current fashion trends and discover exotic travel destinations. How about getting some career inspiration while scrolling down through your news feed? Below are the Instagram accounts to follow in order to get the drive …
Project A Good Attitude
It’s okay to wear an enthusiastic, positive attitude on your sleeve. That’s a constructive and productive point of view when coupled with plans to make it happen. A positive, optimistic approach will improve the outcome of any situation you are in, even if you’re the only one who has one.
Yes, I know that life …
Don’t Talk About The PRC at Work
There are (at least) three things you don’t talk about at work.
Or shouldn’t talk about at work.
Sure, there are exceptions. I will discuss a few examples below.
But generally these are three of things you should not be talking about at work.
Why not?
Talking about The PRC cannot lead anywhere good. Talking …
The Job Offer Negotiation
It takes three steps to get a great job. First, you need a good enough résumé and LinkedIn profile to be fished out from an ocean of candidates. Otherwise, you are invisible and irrelevant! Second, you need to beat your competition in the contest called interviewing. After all, there’s only one job, and applicants not …
Is Freelancing the Right Career for You?
Freelancing and being your own boss might be the dream come true for many. However, being a freelancer requires some personal traits and sacrifices and unfortunately, it is not for everyone. Some people notice, after they start freelancing, that they are not as productive as their 9 to 5 jobs. Therefore, you should think twice …