Category: guest post

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & Networkingguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Personal Brand

When it comes to building a company from the ground up, or searching for a job as an individual, the importance of building a differentiated brand is one of the most important things you should invest your time and resources in. While there’s no single secret to success, here are 10 New Year’s resolutions you …

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Evaluating Your Personal Brand-Building Success During 2010

As a prelude to the fast-approaching New Year, here are some questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your progress building your personal brand-building efforts during 2010:

Writing & publishing a brand-building book

Did you publish a book during 2011, or make significant progress towards publishing a brand-building book? Or, do you still feel writing …

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Writing,, & Personal Branding Success in 2011

During 2011, it will become harder and harder to separate writing,, and personal branding success.

Many authors underestimate the number of marketing opportunities that offers those who are interested in building their personal brand.

Certainly, there are numerous other online and offline book retailers; chances are, your home is within a few miles …

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Build Your Brand By Writing A Book That Inspires Readers

Successfully writing a book to build your personal brand involves more than communicating helpful, relevant information; you book also has to inspire your readers to act.

Your book, and your brand, must encourage readers to take action – and continue to take action – until they have solved their problem or achieve their goal. Your …

guest postRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

Reinvent Your Brand the Steve Jobs Way

Five principles that can help you jump-start your career, revitalize your brand, and win new business.

The global recession and mass layoffs have forced many people to reconsider their careers and life choices. In too many cases, their jobs simply don’t exist anymore. In these turbulent times, where does one turn for personal branding advice? …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingConfidence & Appearanceguest postMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out From The Competition

Here are a 3 simple ways you can make your personal brand stand out from your competition:

Be helpful. Be brief. Be consistent.

Helpful, brief, and consistent will serve you well, whether you’re writing an article, a book, an e-mail, preparing a podcast, or delivering a speech.

Helpful (because it’s not about you)

Success is …

Brand MysteryCommunication & Networkingguest postMarketingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Visual Thinking for Personal Branding Success

Visual thinking is a strategic tool that can make a major contribution to the personal branding success of anyone who has to plan ahead, make decisions, or convince others.

Visual thinking involves more than simply choosing colors and typefaces that project the right image; visual thinking is also a collaboration tool that helps individuals and …

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More Lessons in Personal Branding from NPR’s Car Talk

In my original analysis of National Public Radio’s Car Talk, I discussed 4 of the 7 essentials of strong and enduring brands described in Patrick Hanlon’s Primal Branding.

For over 25 years, Car Talk – as anyone who drives anywhere within FM radio reception  of a public radio station on a Saturday or Sunday knows …

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Prepare a Vision Statement for Your Nonfiction Book

A vision statement is the best way to convert your desire to write a personal brand-building book into a commitment to write a book to build your brand.

A vision statement is a short, 1 to 3-page document that describes the book you want to write and use as the foundation for your personal brand.…