Category: Futures

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmenteBrandFuturesInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingPositioningPRSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Richard Laermer

Today, I spoke with Richard Laermer, who is the author of five bestselling books including his latest one called 2011: Trendspotting. In this interview, Richard spends a lot of time explaining how public relations has changed, from the early days till now and helps us prepare for the future.  He also touches on the different …

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmenteBrandFuturesInterviewMarketingPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Martin Lindstrom

Today, I spoke with Martin Lindstrom, who is the New York Times bestselling author of Buyology and an international branding expert.  The last time I had a conversation with Martin, he was getting ready for his book launch and today, he’s taken that book to bestseller status, so it’s great to have him back on …

Book ReviewsFuturesInterviewMarketingPeoplePersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Laura Ries

Today, I spoke with Laura Ries, who is an expert on marketing and building brand strategy, and is the best-selling author of some of the nation’s most respected branding books, including her latest called War In The Boardroom.  In this interview, Laura talks to us about how there is a struggle between marketing and management, …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentFuturesInterviewNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Five Tips for Creating Video Posts

Now that my blog has gained some traction, I’ve been thinking about how to introduce video blogging to my audience to stretch myself and my blog. After getting advice from many people on how to get started, here are five tips I’ve heard:

Tune in to what others are doing

Good bloggers read a lot …

Career DevelopmentCorporate BrandingeBrandEmployer BrandingFuturesMarketingPersonal BrandingSocial Media

A Vision for Personal Branding in the Workplace

The ever changing workplace environment

The workplace has evolved throughout the ages, changing due to the economic climate, the markplace and the technology revolution. The needs of employers and employees have drastically changed. The relationship used to be that you would be rewarded for working for a single company for a decade or so with …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentFuturesJob SearchPersonal BrandingRecruitment

Brand Yourself for the Job You Want in Three Years

Personal branding is a pretty hot topic right now. With such an unstable job market, a lot of people are starting to think about the image they’re projecting to the world. Job seekers especially are doing everything they can to make their personal brand as impressive as possible.

Since you’re reading this blog, you’re probably …