Personal Branding Interview: Douglas Rushkoff
Today, I spoke to Douglas Rushkoff, who is the author of the new book Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back. In this interview, Douglas discusses his view of personal branding, how branding impacts online transactions, how we can take the world back from corporations, as well as …
Brand Yourself as an Expert to Survive the Future
Last week, I wrote a blog post called “6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert” and it quickly became the most popular post I’ve ever written on this blog (since October, 2006), with over 400 retweets and almost 60 comments. There were a few people who disagreed with my statements and …
Your Network is Your Only Insurance Policy
Last Monday I stated that the future of job hunting is people searching and I received a great reaction to it with over a hundred retweets and twenty-three comments. The main idea with this concept is that the web has broken hierarchies and connected everyone in disperse networks, so that you can reach employees at …
Personal Branding Interview: Richard Laermer
Today, I spoke with Richard Laermer, who is the author of five bestselling books including his latest one called 2011: Trendspotting. In this interview, Richard spends a lot of time explaining how public relations has changed, from the early days till now and helps us prepare for the future. He also touches on the different …
Personal Branding Interview: Martin Lindstrom
Today, I spoke with Martin Lindstrom, who is the New York Times bestselling author of Buyology and an international branding expert. The last time I had a conversation with Martin, he was getting ready for his book launch and today, he’s taken that book to bestseller status, so it’s great to have him back on …
Personal Branding Interview: Laura Ries
Today, I spoke with Laura Ries, who is an expert on marketing and building brand strategy, and is the best-selling author of some of the nation’s most respected branding books, including her latest called War In The Boardroom. In this interview, Laura talks to us about how there is a struggle between marketing and management, …
Five Tips for Creating Video Posts
Now that my blog has gained some traction, I’ve been thinking about how to introduce video blogging to my audience to stretch myself and my blog. After getting advice from many people on how to get started, here are five tips I’ve heard:
Tune in to what others are doingGood bloggers read a lot …
Personal Branding Interview: Lisa Takeuchi Cullen
Today, I spoke with Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, who is an ex-Time journalist and is in the process of establishing a new blog and personal website. Lisa talks about how print is on it’s way out and why it’s not smart to be a journalist in this day in age. This is an interesting take from …
A Vision for Personal Branding in the Workplace
The workplace has evolved throughout the ages, changing due to the economic climate, the markplace and the technology revolution. The needs of employers and employees have drastically changed. The relationship used to be that you would be rewarded for working for a single company for a decade or so with …
The 2009 Personal Avatar Size Reference Guide
You’ve read the 11 Rules for Best Personal Branding Results with Avatars, have a perfect image for your avatar and want to get started visually improving your personal brand online. This handy reference will help you do just that.
What you need to know before spreading your avatarMost sites only use square images
If …