Category: entrepreneurship

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmententrepreneurshipInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Tony Little

Today, I spoke to Tony Little, who overcame one major adversity after the other to become a fitness giant, record-breaking world-renowned salesperson, and founder and CEO of Health International Corporation. His latest book is called There’s Always A Way: How to Develop a Positive Mindset and Succeed in Business and Life. In this interview, Tony …

Career Developmententrepreneurshipguest postPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding With The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger

Overnight success is one of the biggest illusions with your personal brand. Why? Because think of some of the BIGGEST personal brands you can think of.

Perhaps you are thinking some of the cliche names. Oprah. Or Donald Trump. Or Richard Branson.

Or in the new age of personal branding entrepreneurship: Gary Vaynerchuk. Chris Brogan.…

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmententrepreneurshipInterviewPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Diane Kennedy

Today, I spoke to Diane Kennedy, who is the co-author of Smart Business Stupid Business, and her previous books have been on the Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling lists. In this interview, Diane talks about the difference between a smart and a stupid business, mistakes that people make with personal branding, how to leverage …

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmenteBrandentrepreneurshipInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Larry Myler

Today, I spoke to Larry Myler, who is an author, business strategist, and consultant for clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. For much of his career he has energized companies with new, concrete methods for reducing expenses and increasing revenues.  His latest book is called Indispensable By Monday. In this interview, Larry talks …

Brand Yourself AsCorporate BrandingentrepreneurshipMarketingPersonal Branding

Business is Always About Connection. Period.

I ran across this quote the other day from Mzinga CEO Barry Libert:

“GM never thought of themselves of being in the business of connecting people, which is why they’re going bankrupt,”

Pretty valid thought if you ask me. Should all businesses be involved in connecting people with each other? Better yet… should businesses search …

Brand Yourself AsCareer Developmententrepreneurshipgen-yPersonal BrandingSocial Media

5 Things I Have Learned As a Generation Y Business Owner

Almost three years. THREE YEARS!

It has almost been three years since my company drove a stake into the ground in Indianapolis and Oklahoma City. It is funny to look back on the process and change the business has gone through. From working out of an apartment to moving into offices, hiring employees, speaking through …