Category: Communication & Networking

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What Millennials Seek, Desire in an Employer

I just read an interesting article online entitled, Stop Treating Millennial Employees Like Enigmas, written by Sara Roberts and Michael Papay and featured on[1] As the title suggests, the article focuses on how businesses can best utilize the skills and talents of Millennials, generally defined as that 80-million-strong cohort born between 1977 and 2000, …

Communication & Networkingguest postMarketingSocial Media

7 Ways to Enhance Your Personal Brand’s Video Presence

Visual content has quickly become the center of attention in marketing, with micromedia often stealing the spotlight thanks to platforms such as Vine, Instagram and Pinterest. At this point, incorporating the same kind of media into your own content strategy is downright essential. This doesn’t just include images, however. Videos are just as important – …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingWorkplace Success

Invest in Your Employees for a Successful Business

If you want your business to be successful, it is essential to invest in your employees. When people feel being valued, they work harder and generally, do the best they can. Otherwise, the turnover rate increases, the productivity of your business drops and as a result, the costs increases faster. Therefore, if you want your …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Transform Wasteful Meetings into Effective Gatherings

Experiencing one boring meeting will encourage people to avoid similar events in the future. No one likes to have precious time wasted. Worse yet, are the types of meetings where one person does all of the speaking while showing little interest or concern for others in the room. Instead, the person doing all of the …