An Easy Strategy for Handling Errors
Our schedules are busier than ever, and technology is more complex taking many out of their comfort zones. The likelihood of making errors has substantially increased over time. But the worst error is in how one responds to someone else pointing out a mistake. Suggestions are made below for implementing improved strategies for overcoming errors …
Tweak Your Response to Improve Business
One of the more critical areas for getting to ‘yes’ is in our response style. A response may be an answer to a question, providing insight, or getting to the closing stage of pending business. Our communication affects all stages of the sales cycle and also includes the final stage for getting hired.
Communication Reminders:…Encourage or Detract Clients: How You Solve Problems
Salespeople are invariably the ‘fall’ person for taking the blame when it comes to errors. The blame game is rampant inside the company and clientele hold the representative responsible. The very best approach is to quickly apologize and avoid all excuses. Your immediate apology indicates upfront you are to be trusted and maintains a reputable …
Do You Honestly Convey Limits Upfront?
Reputation management and personal brand development begin with good first impressions. But an overlooked fact is that most try so hard to please, they are not honest about what they can and cannot do. The improved approach is to convey limits upfront in terms of capabilities. The scope may refer to both time allotment and …
Take A Timeout to Rethink Strategy
Updated October 16, 2019
Small children are given a timeout to rethink what they just did, and athletes take a time-out to regroup and restrategize. The rest of us can also benefit by rethinking what is currently in play.
Make it a habit to frequently leave the computer behind and to take the time to …
How to Continue Moving Business Forward
For most people new to a business, the knowledge of how to keep business moving forward is an unknown. The other side of it is a complete lack of understanding as to the importance the individual and their personal brand plays when it comes to achieving success. The same may be said for advancing one’s …
Opinions Matter and Are to Be Welcomed
We have all been a party to sensitive discussions both personal and in the corporate environment. We know that if we do say what’s on our mind, the other person will take offense. So, although we have the urge to blurt out our opinions we tend to hold back. Most of us are taught that …
Are Clients Excited to Meet or Quickly Depart?
Do your prospective clients sound excited to learn more in meetings, or is pain felt on both sides of the table?
We are all aware of salespeople who brag about their prowess. While they may be well-informed about what they sell, their ego plays too big a part for them to be successful. No one …
4 Things You Need to Start Rewarding Yourself For
The problem with Millennials, according to people who have never been one, is that they expect praise and rewards for everything. Participated? Medal. Attempted? Pat on the back. Lost? Trophy.
But far from breeding laziness and entitlement, as is often claimed, rewarding ourselves frequently and liberally helps us learn new skills and develop desirable traits. …
How to Remain Steady and Move Forward
Most people new to business are unaware of the steps to keep business and career on track. Adding to the problem is a complete lack of understanding as to the importance of the steps listed below as they apply to achieving success.
Standing still in business or a job, as people remain in their comfort …