Make Your Personal Brand Shine With Strong Communication Skills
Having strong communication skills is crucial. One needs to know when it’s important to listen and when its necessary to respond. There are many subtleties in communication that can influence others; the best communicators strengthen their personal brand using speech and silence to influence others’ opinion of them. They intuitively know “when silence is golden” …
Why Millennials Should Kill the Dreaded CC
E-Mail is Dead! Long Live E-Mail!
There are a lot of things Millennials can do to change the world. Some of them have already started and some are a work in progress. One thing I hope and trust Millennials can do is kill the dreaded cc: in email communications.
The cc: has become too prevalent …
Synchronize Your LinkedIn Profile for a Better Career
I spoke with a job seeker this week who is seven months into his search. After receiving his inquiry and before calling him, I did what many professionals and all recruiters do these days…. I reviewed his LinkedIn profile. What I saw was that he had eight jobs in the last 11 years. Yikes!
When …
Have You Graduated…From Childhood?
If there were one question I wish I could ask prospective employees, it would be: Have you graduated from childhood yet? Then, I would hire the people who said yes and could prove they graduated from childhood.
It’s not that I don’t love children. I have one and love her more than life itself.
It’s …
When Silence is Golden in Building Your Personal Brand
“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”― Mark Twain
Many times it’s difficult not to respond to someone, especially when we feel we’ve been attacked or provoked. Our natural impulse is to react defensively and all too often our impulsive response makes things much …
It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done
How many times have you been told “That’s Impossible!” in your life?
Whether it was by someone in authority, a peer or even by yourself?
The title of this post is from a quote by Nelson Mandela. If you have seen the movie Invictus or read about what he overcame to unite his country you …
MOOCs and the Coming University Mergers
If you are considering going to college or going back to college in the near future, I recommend you read my last post titled How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 3. I ended it with:
“Dinosaurs are dead. Is higher education (as we now know it) headed for a slot beside them in the …
Mistakes to Avoid When Networking
Everybody agrees that networking plays a crucial part in our careers whether it is for finding a new job or a new client or just passing and sharing knowledge. However, not everybody is doing it right. If you want to network successfully and get noticed by the person you want to connect with, you should …
Caution: Giving Thanks Can Be Self-Defeating
In the US, the upcoming national holiday is called Thanksgiving, which infers you should be thanking someone for something you valued. Thanks for what?
None of us are the original Pilgrims and very few of us are having dinner with Native Americans, who deserve a whole lot more than thanks. You may be sitting down …
Five Things You’ll Learn About Yourself on Vacation
I’m writing this from 900 feet above sea level on the upcountry slopes of Haleakala on Maui.
This week I’ve been fortunate enough to spend time on Maui visiting friends & family and also going to places I have been visiting for many years. It got me thinking about what has changed as well as …