Tips to Improve Your Memory to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills
Humans have been intrigued by memory since the age of Aristotle. Despite the progress we’ve made with modern scientific research, there’s still a lot to uncover when it comes to understanding the human memory. After all, who wouldn’t want to improve their memory?
You will see beneficial outcomes if you improve your memory. This includes …
What Employers Look For In New Graduates
September is usually a busy month for graduates or college seniors who are about to graduate. Many schools invite employers and recruiters during September in order to help their students get hired. However, finding that very first job is not always easy because there are many other students competing for the same positions in the …
11 Reasons to Be a Lifetime Learner
After more than a dozen years in school, it can be tempting to take a break from learning. Of course, you can’t completely avoid picking up new skills or tidbits of knowledge as time progresses. But you should actually make a point to do so for several reasons — here are 11 of them.
Fight…5 Reasons You Should Be Journaling on the Job
Journals are typically a private place for you to air out your thoughts, feelings and fear. They’re also typically found far outside of the workplace.
It turns out, though, that this notion should be ignored, as the benefits of journaling extend far beyond your personal life. The following five reasons prove it. Need more convincing? …
Employers Hire the Best: Is That You?
No employer is seeking to hire Mr. Average. All employers seek the exceptional and the very best. But how do you convince them that you are the ideal candidate? And how do you beat your competition for this one job? Most candidates approach the interview similar to a test. For many, this is the logical …
Choosing a Career? Identify a Problem You Can Fix!
When Choosing a Career, make sure you are basing your decision on your own strengths, interests, goals, aspirations, skills and personal tastes and be aware of the tendency to be influenced by your siblings and their choices. Many people choose a career path because they are familiar with the field as a result of having …
Make Problem Solving Part of Your Personal Brand
Do you want to get ahead in your career? Then don’t spend all of your time on networking, your appearance, and writing the best emails and Tweets. There’s another important thing that you need to incorporate into your personal brand.
You need to be known as the person who solves problems.
It’s pretty simple, really. …