A Visual Guide: Personal Logo Design Tips For Non-Designers
When you’re young, monograms seem nerdy. However, once you’re older and design gets involved, a monogram or personal logo can become critical in making your personal brand memorable.
Use this visual guide to create or improve your own personal logo.
10 ideas to inspire you1. Is there some object or symbol associated with your …
My Personal Branding Story Part 3: Passion is Not Enough
This is the third of ten posts where we follow Marcos Salazar’s personal branding journey, as he uses the concepts and four-step process outlined in Me 2.0 for his own career.
“What are you passionate about?” I am sure there’s a post on every single career website that focuses on this topic. And for good …
Networking at Conferences – Part 3
People have heard me say many times that I tend to avoid networking events. What? A networking expert not getting out face-to-face? Don’t I practice what I preach, especially since the subtitle of my book is “attract a following in person and online?”
Of course I do! I think networking in person is a vital …
My Personal Branding Story Part 2 – Discovering Your Brand
This is the second of ten posts where we follow Marcos Salazar’s personal branding journey, as he uses the concepts and four-step process outlined in Me 2.0 for his own career.
Sometimes all it takes is a small and seemingly inconsequential event to make a major impact that springs you into action. In my first …
Making the Brand
The personal branding wave is continuing to evolve and develop. Of course, the emergence and popularity of the social web has accelerated the process. Today’s job seeker, as well as those interested in progressing within a company and/or industry, have embraced the process as welcome and necessary.
Many of you are working hard to identify …
When Does Personal Branding Become Shameless Self Promotion?
I recently wrote a post on the Viralogy Blog focusing on how non-celebrities are using Facebook Fan pages as a way to reach out and stay connected to their community. Lets face it, not everyone uses Twitter, and Facebook provides another great platform to build a fan base and promote your great content.
I personally …
Use Personal Branding to Increase Your Sales
A few months ago I did an interview with Dan Schawbel and I thought I would share it with you all here. Dan speaks about personal branding and how sales reps can position themselves to succeed it what I call the New Sales Economy. While the interview focuses on sales reps, it’s important to remember …
Networking at Conferences – Part 1
With the uncertainty in the economy, it’s more crucial than ever to get out there and network to
uncover opportunities that are starting to bubble but have yet to break the surface. One of my favorite places to do this is at industry conferences and large seminars.
Not only do you get a chance to …
Personal Branding that Can Work for Anyone
Like many twentysomethings, I run into the problem of not understanding my personal brand. At times, I don’t know where to start, and I’ve been at this for 3 years.
The truth is most twentysomethings don’t know what they want to do with their lives, which makes it impossible to commit to a single message, …
Personal Branding Road Signs | Pass with Care or No Pass
On the back roads of New Mexico, you’ll drive on lonely two lane highways that will every now and again feature these signs… “Pass with care” and then “No Pass”. There are times when there are huge 18-wheelers blocking your progress as well as your speed down the highway and you might make the decision …