Personal Branding for Training Professionals
How do you promote yourself and share your knowledge and expertise without giving too much away? How do you make your potential clients understand how to do what you do, without giving them all the knowledge they need to do it without you.
You don’t. Share everything. Share it all.
For some people, this is …
Three Secrets To Promoting Your Next Conference Talk
Speaking at a conference can sometimes be a hit or miss affair. You agonize over your slides and practice your talk, only to find that out of the 300 attendees, 10 of them are in your session. Hardly seems worth the effort. But other times, you find that you get more than half the people …
Personal Branding For A New Comedian
How can a comedian brand himself or herself, in order to win new fans and build a following that will get comedy club owners to book them?
I was asked that question recently by Jennifer Bianchi, a former lawyer turned comedian, who was wondering what she could do to win the attention of more fans.…
Four Steps To Finding Or Starting Your Own Tribe
Do you have a tribe? Seth Godin says a tribe is a group of people connected to one another, to a leader, and to an idea.
A tribe is not necessarily a geographic group of people bound together by proximity and family. A tribe can be a group of people centered around a single idea, …
Branding Yourself With Google Panda
The Google Panda updates has changed a lot of what companies are doing to ensure they’re being found on Google for their particular field and keywords. But how can you take advantage of this for personal branding?
Take advantage of Google Panda1. Define your keywords
The first thing to do is to define what …
Five Secrets To Write Outstanding Presentations
Want to write great presentations that leave your audience wanting more? Want to avoid Death By PowerPoint, but still need a slide deck?
The secret to outstanding presentationsHere are five secrets I use in creating outstanding presentations.
1) Start with the title.
I always start with titles similar to the ones I’ve done here …
Four Steps to Take When You’ve Been Downsized
When you have been downsized, the first inclination for many people is to hit the job boards and begin searching for their next job. But doing that right after a layoff or termination may be more difficult than you think. Many people start a new search before they’ve had a chance to prepare and unwind, …
Rebranding Yourself When Your Job or Life Changes
I’ve faced a couple of career changes in my years, after fully vesting myself in my previous job, company, and position. The changeover has been difficult at times, as I had gotten to know a lot of people in that previous industry, and set myself up as an authority on my particular company’s product or …
Share a Famous Name? How Do You Brand Yourself?
Vanessa Williams needs help with personal branding.
No, not that Vanessa Williams. She’s already famous.
Rather, Vanessa Williams (@prpeep), a PR professional in Pennsylvania. Last week, she tweeted Dan Schawbel and said, “Hey – would LOVE to see a post on personal branding for those of us who share a famous person’s name.” So, here …