Tag: communication

Manager Employee Relationships
PeoplePersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Your Manager is Not Your Friend

It is ok to have a friendly relationship with coworkers. Actually, this makes the work day much more enjoyable. However, becoming friends with direct reports is a little trickier. As the boundaries are getting blurrier in corporate America and the workplaces are shifting to a more casual environment, especially young employees are having difficulty in …

Teamwork and Collaboration
entrepreneurshipSuccess Strategies

Teamwork Never Fails – Stop Blaming Teamwork at Your Small Business

Five years ago facilitating a client’s leadership retreat I asked a simple question… “What is teamwork?” Of the 12 leaders in the organization, a small regional credit union, we heard the traditional answers and one that stood out. The one that stood out was:   “Teamwork is a series of individual interdependent successful efforts.” That definition…
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