Tag: career

ArticlesCareer DevelopmententrepreneurshipPersonal Branding

Personal Branding Weekly – More Effective than Efficient

At a Constant Contact regional meeting I attended this week, I met Vickie Evans, Red Cape Company Founder, Microsoft Productivity Instructor/Presenter & Bestselling Author. She did a super training on “Grownups in a Learning Environment” that was peppered with many helpful productivity tips that I had to start streamlining immediately. She did a stellar job …

Career DevelopmentInterviewJob SearchPersonal Branding

10 Job Search Behaviors to Avoid

Job search is hard work; it’s stressful and riddled with anxiety. Do not exacerbate it by letting highly charged emotions drive bad behavior when you’re looking for a new job. Reign in your anxiety: Manage it with exercise; a few hours spent with understanding and light-hearted friends; attendance at emotionally soothing venues; engagement in empowering …

Career DevelopmentPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSuccess Strategies

Do You Have What it Takes to Be Famous?

Miley, Lindsay, Amanda, Brittany, Justin, Chris, Rihanna, Honey Boo Boo, You?

When children are asked what they want to be when they grow up, a popular new answer is: “famous.” Honey Boo Boo is famous – famous enough for People magazine to sponsor a lookalike contest. Parents actually entered their kids’ photos in hopes of …