How To Become The Most Efficient Business Owner
Building a business can be an exceptional accomplishment that not many people can master. That said, a business owner that’s efficient, dedicated, and smart about the way they do business has a better chance at long-term success. There are many factors that contribute to what makes that possible, including having methods to overcome challenges and …

The Definitive Guide to Naming Your Personal Brand
Whether you’re a freelancer, business consultant, or an entrepreneur, your personal brand is the oil your lamp needs in these uncertain times, so make it a priority to understand:
Personal branding and its role in the market How to build a personal brand you’d be proud of Easy steps to naming your personal brand How…
6 Steps to Personal Branding for Managers
When you think of businesspeople who have built memorable personal brands, CEOs like Elon Musk and Oprah Winfrey come to mind. However, CEOs aren’t the only ones who can benefit from personal branding. Anyone in a supervisory role can boost their career through effective personal branding for managers.
How to Create Personal Branding for Managers…
How to Find Business Inspiration for Your Startup
Entrepreneurship is also all about your initial, unique idea. But the journey from conceiving an idea to executing it to the point where it starts giving out profit is tedious. First, you have to find business inspiration for your startup. To help you get started, here’s a big list of business ideas to kickstart your …

How to Choose the Right Name for Your Business
A business name works as a face. You have to keep your face attractive, appealing, and attention-grabbing. Deciding on a name is not a task that you can complete in mere minutes. A business name selection should include lots of research, brainstorming, analysis, and expert guidance.
For best results, perform all of the following steps …

How To Create A Business Game Plan For Your Personal Brand
Your personal brand needs to have a plan in place for your projected growth, regardless of whether you’re new to Internet marketing and branding, or a seasoned participant. Ask yourself, where do you see your business going in the next few years?
Having a passion for what you do is essential to success along with …

(En)Counter Culture
Whether you realize it or not, we are at a pivotal juncture in the marketing and advertising industry. This industry is one that is (and always has been) located at the point where information, entertainment, politics, technology, society & culture converge. The last four elements listed have become more prevalent since the turn of the …

Business Success Begins With These 5 Investment Tips
Starting a new business can be expensive. In addition to business fees, licenses and registrations, you also need to purchase equipment and materials. This can be a lot of money out of pocket, but with the the right saving and investing strategies, you can open a business with minimal financial stress.
Investing is a challenge …

Go Digital in These 4 Areas to Improve Your Business Productivity
Almost every business conceivable has a digital presence today, from the cheap noodle shop next door to the massive upscale supermarket an hour’s drive away. But simply having a website isn’t going to cut it anymore.
Companies today increasingly use information technology to improve their productivity in a number of key sectors. Consider going digital …

What to Do If Your Business Has a Fire
Although many of us go through great efforts to fireproof our home, we rarely bring this outlook into the workplace. While there’s no replacement for a little bit of forethought and diligence, a fire at your place of business doesn’t have to mean the end of your company altogether. In fact, approximately 60 percent of …