Personal Branding Weekly – Higher Google Results
EDITOR’S NOTE: This week the Young Entrepreneur Council weighed in on CEOs scavenging social media accounts of job candidates and author, Kristen Fisher, gave some practical tips on how to overcome horrible bosses.
There’s a saying that people don’t quit companies, they quit people (supervisors/managers). How to excel and propel your brand when “managing up” …
Personal Branding for Training Professionals
How do you promote yourself and share your knowledge and expertise without giving too much away? How do you make your potential clients understand how to do what you do, without giving them all the knowledge they need to do it without you.
You don’t. Share everything. Share it all.
For some people, this is …
Action Steps To Get Started With Blogging (Part 2)
Last week, I started a list of action steps for jump starting your personal branding when you suddenly need it. At this point, you should have registered your domain name, set-up a basic blog and most of your time figuring out exactly what you want.
Now that you have the blog set-up, what do you …
Action Steps To Get Started With Blogging: (Part 1)
Job loss is (unfortunately) a way of life for most of us nowadays. In many cases, it’s due to factors that we can’t even control – such as a bad economy devastating our employer. In the last four years, I lost my job because the economy impacted my employer more than expected. In the last …
Be My Guest: Hosting Guest Bloggers
If you are an expert in your field, chances are you are taking advantage of commenting on other blogs in your area, searching for opportunities to write for other outlets, and posting links to your blog to every possible social network in your name. Each of these strategies aims for one goal: to build your …
5 More WordPress Plugins For Personal Brand-Building Bloggers
Another selection of useful WordPress plugins that build your brand while helping your readers.
1. Jetpack
Official description: “a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of”
Jetpack comes from Automattic, the creators of WordPress, so you know it’s high quality.
Although technically one plugin, Jetpack’s combination of …
10 Things Learned About Yourself After 100 Blog Posts
I had to take a moment to pause and reflect on the first 100 posts of my personal blog. When I think about what I’ve learned, and how those will influence my next 100 posts, 10 things come to mind that may also be helpful for you as you chart the course that lies ahead …
Disgruntled Communication And Your Brand
As a small business owner or personal brand, your reputation is critical to your success. It is how people view you and differentiate you from others which helps get you more business. A good brand image is not an easy feat though. It requires planning, hard work and diligence. You need to be able to …
Bloggers Are Not “Born This Way”
Blogging continues to be an excellent way to engage with people. By offering unique and relevant content that interests your audience, you can stimulate conversation around your brand and help spread the news about your expertise, your drive and what your unique brand offers.
Due to the rising popularity of social media, so many people …
5 Ways to Find the Time for Personal Branding
You’re busy, I get it. You’ve got your job or school. You have a social life. You just don’t have a whole lot of time to do any of it to a great extent. You’re keeping up with Twitter and LinkedIn, and even Facebook, but you’re not able to do any real brand building. That …