Tag: Blogging

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Basic Articles Mean Mediocre Articles

Rescue me from beginners’ secrets!

Everywhere I turn, I’m inundated by yet another article about “social media secrets” or “blogging secrets” that don’t contain any actual secrets. They’re such beginning-level articles that, if they had any secrets, have the worst-kept secrets anyone has ever known.

“Psst, hey buddy. Edison invented the light bulb. Don’t tell …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Three Secrets to Sounding More Confident In Your Writing

Mediocre writing teems with timidity and hesitation. That’s why it’s so boring. Weasel words and loopholes abound, because the authors are so afraid of making a mistake and looking bad. As a result, the author comes across as lacking in confidence and unsure of their ideas.

There are three ways to sound confident in your …

EducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Three Personal Branding Secrets for Academics

People in academia live life more than a little differently from those of us in the business world. Even the rules of personal branding and networking are different. You don’t get tenure based on valuable relationships and what you have done for others. It’s based on publishing, teaching, and committee work.

But that doesn’t mean …

Communication & NetworkingMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Strong Tactics for Your Personal Brand

In this time and age where more and more businesses are integrating blogging in their marketing strategies, it becomes harder to stand out, given the hundreds, if not millions, of blog posts published on a daily basis. 

You must have a blog that contains not only quality content, but also one that’s attractive, and has …

Career & WealthMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Know Who You’re Writing To and For

With the rise of social media, businesses have the opportunity to tap into wider audiences than what was previously possible pre-social. In this regard, knowing your target audience has taken center stage and has become very significant in order to achieve a successful social word of mouth marketing campaign. The ability to connect with your …