Evil Does Exist. It May be One of Your Coworkers.
Narcissists are among the most interesting coworkers. They are also repugnant, disruptive and poisonous to a business, and potentially to your career. That is, if your narcissist sees you as anything except a reflection of his or her greatness. So, you must interact with your narcissist as if everything she does deserves nothing but positive …
Work Remotely? Here’s How to Get that Promotion
Working remotely has it perks, but it’s also easy to be forgotten. While telecommuting has become an accepted practice for all size companies, moving up when you work from home can sometimes be harder to do. After all, remote workers have to be self-promoters if they want to get ahead when they aren’t in the …
Are You the Office Trick or Treat?
Organizational leadership guru Adam Grant recently commented on what spoils a workplace culture. It’s surprisingly simple. It takes just one person to obliterate a collaborative, supportive and positive environment. It doesn’t have to be a person at the top. One mean-spirited, conniving, credit-hogging, work-shirking colleague will ruin your day, your week, or however long you …
5 Ways to Control Bad Habits
Habits run our lives. Our behavior has a direct and profound effect on our attitude.
Anyone can manage the good times and can cultivate the habits that promote well-being and success. However, every now and again, we gain bad habits that cause fatigue, self-depression and create a significant barrier to success.
When we act like …
Size Doesn’t Matter in Small Business Cultures
The term “silos” in relation to company culture is typically associated with larger organizations.
For that reason I was flabbergasted by a conversation with the CEO of a small, but very well respected not-for-profit in my community.
She told me she wanted to improve teamwork in her organization.
That sounded typical and not unusual to …
Stand Out in Your Email to an Employer
Hiring managers are inundated with resumes. Before opening a resume, they critique the email that it comes with. This means your email address, your written communication, your spelling, and your attitude are all evaluated, before they even look at your resume.
In reading Lazlo Bock’s NY Times Best-selling Book, WORK Rules, I learned some valuable …
How to Write a Persuasive Email
Email persuasion is about what you say and when you say it.
Aspects such as the day of the week, frequency of communication, consistency in tone and the right amount of simplicity all factor in our ability to persuade via written correspondence. They are the main variables that comprise influential email formulation.
Whether you are …
5 Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Working
Everybody knows there are costs associated with any job, whether it’s the amount of money spent on lunch or the expense of transportation just to get there. But what many don’t realize is those small outlays add up, costing workers thousands of dollars a year.
Consider this: according to a new survey by Accounting Principals, …
5 Tricks to Stay Motivated When Working at Home
Staying motivated at work can be hard but for remote employees it can be downright impossible.
Unlike an office environment, at home there are a ton of temptations and distractions that can easily sap your productivity and your career trajectory.
“Working from home is essentially an independent way of working. Even if you have managers …
Ways to Motivate Millennials in the Workplace
Millennials are the generation born between 1980 and 2000. Currently, they make up almost 33% of the US workforce so one in three employees is a millennial. While millennials are highly educated and technology capable, they are unfortunately the most frequent job hoppers. Studies show that this generation generally stays in one job around 2 …