Category: Social Media

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Examples of Entrepreneur Blog Posts

In my last post on PersonalBrandingBlog, I discussed the different ways entrepreneurs can use Personal Branding to help them in the job search. One of the items I suggested was for entrepreneurs to start a blog as a tool to help further showcase their skill-set and ability.

Begin a blog.

You’re an entrepreneur! You enjoy …

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Convert Your Brand Building Book Into a Blog…and More Profits

Although you may be familiar with the idea of writing a book a little at a time, as a series of blog posts, you may not have thought about leveraging books into blog posts – -and creating new brand building and profit opportunities.

Bud Bilanich, the Common Sense Guy, however, provides a template for a …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCorporate BrandingeBrandInterviewMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Personal Branding Interview: David Brier

Today, I spoke to David Brier, who is a award-winning brand identity designer, author and branding expert. He is the author of Defying Gravity and Rising Above the Noise. In this interview, David talks about brand identity for people and companies, logo’s and slogan’s, and more.

What goes into a corporate brand identity? Would this…
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Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Personal Branding Interview: Clay Shirky

Today, I spoke to Clay Shirky, who teaches at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University, is the bestselling author of Here Comes Everybody, and the author of Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age. In this interview, Clay talks about his latest book, how technology is changing the workplace, social network …