Hang Out With People Who Bring Out Your Best!
It’s natural for people to maintain friendships that are convenient, but sometimes the people we associate with aren’t necessarily people who bring out our best qualities. Friends of convenience are those people who happen to be easiest to associate with because of their physical proximity to you either at work, in your neighborhood, building, dorm …
Three Time Management Strategies for Freelancers
The life of a freelancer sounds ideal. You work when you want, doing what you want, how you want. However, the reality of a freelance life is very different. There is either too much or not enough work. Along with delivering service, you have to market and take care of business duties. Trying to manage …
Goal Setting is Personal
Why do you do anything that you do?
This question came up the other day in a conversation about business and career planning. On the surface it seems quite obvious and the answer is something we all should intrinsically just know. Or so it seems. However, as we dug into it, the answers weren’t all …
Use About.me to Showcase Your Resume
Would you like to showcase your top resume skills and make more connections?
There are several personal portal websites that can help you do that: About.me, Vizify and RebelMouse are just a few.
If you like the simple, better approach, then About.me is the right service to incorporate into your job seeking efforts. The website, …
LinkedIn: Improve Your Visibility, Credibility, and Connect-Ability
Are you on LinkedIn? This question has become more common in that past year, with total subscribers topping 200 million in early 2013 and the stock price doubling in the subsequent six months. As I note in Chapter 13 of Fast Track Your Job Search (and Career!), LinkedIn is “the premier social networking site designed …
Fit at Last: An Interview with Ken Blanchard
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Ken Blanchard, one of the most influential business leadership experts and author of the iconic One Minute Manager. His newest book, Fit at Last, demonstrates how his leadership techniques can be applied to achieving success and strengthening commitment by chronicling his journey to better health. We discussed …
4 Ways to Tell If Your Personal Brand is in Danger
Your personal brand is similar to that of a bonsai tree — you must regularly maintain and care for it, lest it will die.
Many people care greatly for their personal brands, but even the greatest influencers have experienced problems with their brand at multiple points in their careers. But if you know how to …
Effective Listening Strategies for Career Success
You need a listening strategy, because listening is dangerous. No one tells you that. When you get into an interaction, and fail to have a listening strategy, being receptive turns you into a receptacle. You’re just the recipient of other people’s concerns, personality quirks, beliefs, and goals. That means in the meeting, you get demoted …
Increase Productivity by Automating & Recycling for Twitter
Many of us are extremely busy and we are always looking for ways to be more productive. Social media is one area that tends to have a time vacuum effect to us. One way to increase your productivity for social media is to recycle content and automate your Twitter feeds.
If you’re focused on your …
Whale Songs and Social Media
I heard a story about The Loneliest Whale in the World today. The story is about a baleen whale that communicates at a frequency that it seems no other whale can hear. He communicates at a frequency of 52 Hertz. Most species of baleen whale, which include blue whales and humpbacks, communicate in the 15-25 …