Holiday Social Media Marketing Tips
There is no doubt that more and more consumers are turning to media devices to help them make buying decisions. According to a survey by Accenture, 13 percent of consumers surveyed indicated they plan to use social networking sites to help them with holiday shopping in 2014. More than 63 percent plan to use a …
Content Marketing Strategies for Personal Brands
Having a well-planned content strategy is an important tool for your personal brand. It’s the way in which your business can establish itself as an expert in your industry both online and off. The type of content you choose for your target market and social media marketing is also important.
There are several ways that …
Why Millennials Should Kill the Dreaded CC
E-Mail is Dead! Long Live E-Mail!
There are a lot of things Millennials can do to change the world. Some of them have already started and some are a work in progress. One thing I hope and trust Millennials can do is kill the dreaded cc: in email communications.
The cc: has become too prevalent …
Success at Networking – 2 Ways to Valued Connections
How do you show people that you care in your offline or “face-to-face” interactions?
Provide them an opportunity to be heard.
Most people don’t have an audience applauding and giving them support. How can you provide that kind of support and uplift someone? Give them time to be heard. Listen to them – either set …
Suspend Job Search During Holidays? No!
A question I’m often asked by job seekers is whether or not they should continue a job search during the holiday season. The conventional wisdom seems to be that, during this time of the year, beginning with Thanksgiving Day and running through New Year’s Day, most hiring professionals are so pre-occupied with family celebrations and …
Synchronize Your LinkedIn Profile for a Better Career
I spoke with a job seeker this week who is seven months into his search. After receiving his inquiry and before calling him, I did what many professionals and all recruiters do these days…. I reviewed his LinkedIn profile. What I saw was that he had eight jobs in the last 11 years. Yikes!
When …
How to Choose a Career Coach
I am a practicing career coach, and at every year-end, I summarize my annual accomplishments as measured by how many people I helped and what percentage of them landed. In practicing Six Sigma principles in my career coaching, one of the ones I especially take to heart is CIP, which stands for Continuous Improvement Process. …
Plan B Including a Facelift Produces Improved Business
Two particular types of personalities exist when it comes to solving problems that are 180 degrees apart. The first examines all angles of a topic to be as close to 100% certain the “something” will work correctly the first time around. The second type of personality learns by trial and error requiring risk and flexibility. …
Have You Graduated…From Childhood?
If there were one question I wish I could ask prospective employees, it would be: Have you graduated from childhood yet? Then, I would hire the people who said yes and could prove they graduated from childhood.
It’s not that I don’t love children. I have one and love her more than life itself.
It’s …
Make Holiday Schmoozing Successful
Mentioning “the holidays” to people in business usually garners cringes and wrinkled noses. Why? It seems that unless you’re a retail establishment, the holidays become a difficult time to do business. Either everyone’s caught up in holiday mode and not wanting to make any decisions until the start of the New Year, or they’re nearing …