Cash Is King In Small Business
In my last post titled Big Revenues for Small Businesses, we considered the need for an organized sales function to drive revenue growth and allow the owner/entrepreneur to gain back critical time for general management activities… and possibly work/life balance improvements.
So, let’s assume you have your sales function well organized and revenues are ramping …
Play to Boost Your Career
Americans are notorious for their worth ethic. According to a 2015 Huffington Post article, 47 percent of Americans did NOT take a single paid-leave vacation day in 2014. While this is good news for employers who are getting free labor, it’s bad news for the travel industry and more importantly for American workers who already …
The Interview Focus Is on Future, Not Past
Until about 1990, the conventional thinking was that if you did your job satisfactorily, you would keep it for many years to come. Several of my friends were AT&T employees in those days, and many of them had had seniority for one or two decades. So it seemed like they had it made and that …
How Evan Mathew Weinstein Built A Career In Indie Filmmaking
I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Evan Weinstein, an independent film director whose film “Leaving Circadia” has garnered a lot of success at various film festivals such as the Manhattan Film Fest, Soho Film Festival, among many others. The film will also be available on Video On-Demand in the coming weeks.
Christian …
Don’t “over plan” your career
Patricia Sellers, Executive editor at Fortune magazine has spent the past thirty years at Fortune studying the careers of successful people. She said, the most successful of those interviewed over the past 30 years at Fortune had no clue what they wanted to do when they were in high school or even in college.
Sellers …
What’s on your summer reading and writing list
What will you be reading this summer?
What will you be writing this summer?
Finding time to do both can be easier than you think.
Almost everyone I know says they never have time to read any more. While I think most of us read a lot every day it’s not the kind of reading …
5 Best Practices for a Successful Job Search
AS THE ECONOMY AND THE JOB MARKET CONTINUE TO IMPROVE, YOU MAY BE AMONG THE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE NOW READY TO EXPLORE SOME OF THE MANY NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE. Be forewarned, however, that today’s job market remains very competitive, particularly when it comes to the best positions.
If it’s been …
Creating a YouTube Channel for Your Personal Brand
While there are several platforms you can host your videos on, you cannot deny the leader in the video space is YouTube. Even though other platforms can be perceived as more professional or you may even have more control of ads appearing or not and recommended videos appearing or not, remember what I said about …
Are You Nervous before the Job Interview?
Most people are nervous before a job interview. And that’s normal. A job interview is nothing less than an oral exam. In most cases, it is very important because the outcome could change a person’s future, milieu, income, and so on. But when large groups of people are asked whether they feel nervous before an …
Have You Made A Really Big Mistake?
The truth about your success is pretty grim. Success shines a light on your mistakes. Success often comes from the lessons you learned. They are most often carved out of experiences where you did not win. Where you lost, but got back up. Where you failed, but stood up to take another chance.
Your victories …