4 Business Building Tips for a Stronger Personal Brand
Starting a new business is a challenge in the beginning for many brands who want and need to get noticed online; and, generate sales and leads. The key is to stay focused and not give up in order to attain your goals. Having a passion for what you do is essential to success along with …
Why a Personal Email Address Matters
Do you have one?
Do you have more than one?
How many personal email addresses do you have?
Personal Email Addresses Matter
In my case I currently have three that I regularly stay connected with and respond to inbound email. How many do you have? If none, why not? Perhaps this post will help change …
The Job Interview—Morphed into Something Else
Not too long ago, much-respected blogger Tim Tyrell-Smith of Tim’s Strategy conducted a survey, clearly finding that interviewers’ number one concern is “fit with the company’s culture.” From other articles on that subject, too, it seems as if the old-fashioned “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your key accomplishments?” questions—even when answered well—are apparently …
An Interview With Sports Documentary Producers Eric Newland and George Dalton
I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Eric Newland and George Dalton who are in the process of producing a documentary about America’s Negro League Baseball. Their passion of baseball and history will be ever present throughout their film, The Parallel Game, exploring American history’s greatest past time. They went on to discuss …
Body Language Mistakes to Avoid at Work
Communication is not only verbal but also includes mimics and gestures. Therefore, you should be careful about how you use your body when expressing yourself if you don’t want to create any conflicts between your body language and the point you are trying to make. Below you can find the most common mistakes to avoid …
Make Doing the Right Thing Your Personal Brand
The true test of character is doing the right thing even when no one sees.
Eight days a week you will encounter temptation to break your personal code of conduct of doing the right thing. One college conducted a sting to test cheating. Of the 600 students who took the test one-third cheated. When a …
Reinventing your personal brand is key to successful career transition
“All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” – Tom Peters in Fast Company
People are continuously reinventing themselves. Taking control of your brand can …
How to Deal with Your Stress While in Transition
Physicians and psychiatrists have proved that there is a positive correlation between stress and illness. People in transition experience various and variable levels of stress. And such stress is not a stand-alone issue but is compounded by other stressors. One study identified three types of life stresses: chemical, physical, and attitudinal. All together there are …
Captivating Captivology: An Interview with Ben Parr
From the mind of writer Ben Parr comes his first work, Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention, a scientific and psychological approach to how attention is captured. In It, Parr addresses the role technology has played in severely lowering our attention spans due to the 24/7 access to unlimited entertainment it provides. Because of …
The Most Successful Job Interview Tactic
Having coached the full range of job seekers, from entry-level candidates to C-suite executives, I learned the one job interview tactic that makes the difference between success and failure. This same tactic works for coaches and consultants who want to build a larger practice, secure more clients and do it more quickly.
The true genius …