Why Employees Should Think Like Freelancers
Being your own boss. Working from your couch. Taking as much holiday as you want, whenever you want it.
To the desk-bound employee, going freelance can seem like the ultimate dream. Until you look into it, and realize how much hard work it is. Constantly hustling for clients and worrying about making rent this month? …
How to Overcome Your Insecurities
Are you insecure at times? Of course you are, because this is how we keep checks and balances over our daily behavior. As a practicing career coach, I see this personality trait every day. And because about 70% of my clients are in transition, I see it more than others do. I remember that when …
Expertly Move from Possibility to Success
As valid sales possibilities rise in number, you experience the feeling of hope and motivation on the rise. It is the hope and motivation that inspire you to continue forging ahead in seeking out possible new clients or the best possible new job. Without hope, the motivation to persevere declines and then the thought of …
Business Lessons Entrepreneurs can Learn from the Movie ‘Joy’
I was on a three-hour flight at the beginning of this week and I watched the movie ‘Joy’ during my flight. The movie turned out to be much better than I expected with full of life and business lessons. Therefore, as soon as I got back I wanted to share with you my findings from …