A Crash Course in Surviving and Thriving in this Economy
Today, I spoke with Laura T. Coffey, who is the queen of giving business and personal finance advice tips. She is a writer for TODAYshow.com and MSNBC.com. and is here today to coach you through this recession, give you hope and tips you can use to make smarter decisions before you let the recession cast …
Leo Babauta Helps Us Achieve Personal Branding Zen
Today, I spoke with Leo Babauta, who is one of the most well-known and respected bloggers in the world. He blogs at Zenhabits.net and has been writing for decades on work concentration and management. We talk about his success story, why it’s important to work smart (not just hard), how to stay afloat in the …
A High School and a College Entrepreneur Speak Out
Today, I spoke with both a high school entrepreneur (Mark Bao) and a college entrepreneur (Jessica Mah) about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur, while still going to class. I interviewed both of them because I wanted to show you that you don’t have to go traditional routes even at a young age. If …
Alan Weiss Schools Us On How to Build a Powerful Consulting Brand
Today, I spoke with Alan Weiss, who is a world renowned consultant, author, blogger and speaker. This interview is short and to-the-point,which is attributed to his communication style. He tells it like it is no matter what and will give you straight facts as to how you can become a rich consultant. From interviewing Alan …
Professor Teaches Students About Personal Branding and They Respond!
Guest post by Chrystal Denmark Porter, the Assistant Dean of Sport Science at Endicott College, in Beverly, MA.
Note from Dan: One of my main missions in life is to teach academia about personal branding and start an international class on the topic for freshman college students. Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve …
Marketing is Required Regardless of Corporate Position
Today, I spoke with Gerald Zaltman, who is a Harvard Business School professor and author. We go over the importance of marketing in our lives, why people fear change, how marketing should be universal (instead of being tied to a function of business), and talk about the significance of marketing research in learning more about …
Our Personal Brands Control the Conversation Not Companies
Today, I spoke with Tom Asacker, who is a well-known branding expert, author and speaker. We talked about how conversations have changed over the past few years, how to break through marketing clutter, and some future predictions. As more and more companies are built and destroyed in the next year, marketing and branding still remain …
Build Your Company’s Brand and Your Brand Will Reap the Rewards
Today, I spoke with Mike Volpe, who is a fine example of someone who has built his personal brand and employers brand simultaneously. His coined term, “inbound marketing,” which reflects how social media can be used to attract opportunities passively, rather than proactively. Instead of cold calling a customer or applying for a job with …
You Can’t Obtain Success By Defining it Yourself!
Today, I spoke with Romanus Wolter, who has successfully branded himself as “The Kickstart guy.” He has a lot of knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship and business coaching. We talked about how people should define success, how to start a business from a simple idea, why some people don’t make the leap (quitting instead) …
How to Have a Joyful Brand Despite Economic Uncertainty
Today, I spoke with Lisa Earle McLeod, who is a writer, speaker, and author specializing in humor business coaching and spirituality attainment. A lot of people are feeling depressed, anxious and under pressure right now, so I figured I would interview Lisa, who will cheer you right up. We discuss how humor can help you …