Category: People

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmentInterviewJob SearchPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Tory Johnson

Today, I spoke to Tory Johnson, who is the Workplace Contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America and has just released her latest book called Fired to Hired.  In this interview, Tory explains the steps you’ll need to take to survive a layoff and come out ten times stronger.  She’ll tell you the mistakes people make …

Book ReviewsCareer DevelopmentInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Michael Berland

Today, I spoke to Michael J. Berland, who is an internationally recognized strategic adviser and communications consultant, as well as the author of What Makes You Tick? How Successful People Do It — And What You Can Learn from Them.  For his book, he interviewed people such as Heidi Klum, NBC’s Brian Williams, Christie Hefner …

Career DevelopmenteBrandInterviewNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Liz Lynch

Today, I spoke to Liz Lynch, who contributes to the Personal Branding Blog every Thursday.  She is a networking strategist, speaker, author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following in Person and Online, and founder of the Center for Networking Excellence. Liz shares her thoughts on why you need to create your own personal brand to …

Book ReviewsCorporate BrandingeBrandInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Larry Weber

Today, I spoke to Larry Weber, who is the chairman of the Digital Influence Group and the author of the new book Sticks & Stones: How Digital Business Reputations Are Created Over Time…And Lost in a Click. In this interview, Larry goes over why brand management is harder to control now, what reputation management tools …