Category: People

Career DevelopmententrepreneurshipNetworkingPeoplePositioning

What City is Best for Your Business, Your Life?

I just finished reading Richard Florida’s “Who’s Your City?”  It’s a cool book that takes a look at the impact of where you live on your professional and social opportunities.  Florida conducted research to understand what places attract entrepreneurial minds, how they do it, and its affect on the regions these places inhabit.

He also …

Corporate BrandingEmployer BrandingMarketingPeoplePersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial Media

Avoid Using Your Employer’s Name in Your Twitter Account

Using your employer’s name in your Twitter account can be a little problematic for you for a number of different reasons. Unless you’re using an employee-specific account, you’re going to have problems if you use your employer’s name as part of your personal brand.

Let’s say you work for Lamplighters Lighting Solutions and you launch …

PeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Day of the Dead

The top three fatal mistakes you can make in marketing are:

Underrating your competition (and failing to create a competitive advantage) Misunderstanding what your target market (audience) will buy and why Failing to repeatedly deliver a crisp, clear, consistent and compelling message

This “don’t” checklist works for business, consumer and personal brands. The deadly dangerous …

PeoplePersonal BrandingPositioning

Avoid Babbitry and Stand Out From the Crowd

Do you suffer from babbitry?

It means an excessive feeling of self-satisfaction. It also means small-mindedness, smugness, middle-class mentality.

But my friend, novelist Cathy Day, gave me the best definition of all: a person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards. The word comes from Sinclair Lewis’ novel, …