How to Gain Market Share With Social Media
Can you really gain market share with social media? That’s the big question we discussed in this week’s #SM4SMB conversation on Twitter. And the overall sentiment was YES, as long as companies follow these 5 rules:
Use the right tools for the right audienceTwitter and Facebook are not the answers to every social media …
Your Job is Not Your Personal Brand
Last week, I was at a typical networking-style event. We signed-in, got drinks, and then found a group of people to mingle with.
And then the inevitable questioning started: “What do you do?“
This is the question that always drives me crazy at networking events. It annoys me because most people answer this question by …
Use Personal Branding to Increase Your Sales
A few months ago I did an interview with Dan Schawbel and I thought I would share it with you all here. Dan speaks about personal branding and how sales reps can position themselves to succeed it what I call the New Sales Economy. While the interview focuses on sales reps, it’s important to remember …
Networking at Conferences – Part 1
With the uncertainty in the economy, it’s more crucial than ever to get out there and network to
uncover opportunities that are starting to bubble but have yet to break the surface. One of my favorite places to do this is at industry conferences and large seminars.
Not only do you get a chance to …
The Five Laws of Being an Interesting Brand
The strategies and channels we’ve been using are becoming weapons of mass destruction and tools of great opportunity. We’ve seen brands, such as United Airlines, tarnished when a single person produces a YouTube video after a bad customer service experience. We’ve seen other brands succeed, such as Susan Boyle’s viral bonanza on the internet and …
Setting Up for Successful Follow-up
The follow up process is one of the areas of networking that still seems to confuse some people. Most realize that meeting someone at a networking event for five minutes isn’t enough to build a relationship, and that follow up is critical.
The fortune is in the follow-upBut while they may have good intentions …
The Personal Branding Success Triangle
I just got back from a short vacation in Atlanta, where I connected with a few friends and was actually able to unplug myself from the personal branding world. You probably noticed my lack of activity on Twitter and other social services as a result. I finally had the chance to reflect on the past …
The Power of Referral Partners, Part 2: Choosing the Right Ones
While many of us who start our own businesses or who become solo professionals value our independence, we quickly find more value in having people at our side to give us extra strength, visibility and insight in the market.
In last week’s post, I touched on the power of referral partnerships. These are collaborations you …
The Power of Referral Partners: Why Two Brands are Better Than One
Whenever I’m at a conference or networking event, my favorite group of people to look for are those I can learn from, who have specific expertise that they are passionate about and love to share. I thoroughly enjoy finding out what people do,
what’s been successful for them, and applying those ideas to my own …
The 5Ps of Marketing
Marketing, by definition, is creating a positive environment for exchange. It could be exchange of goods and services. Yet, in today’s economy, it also includes the exchange of human resources for financial resources.
You as the productViewing yourself as the product that you are marketing, might help you in wrapping your mind around the …