Promotional Gifts as Part of the Nurturing Campaign
Promotional products and business gifts are both time-tested ways of getting your name out there in front of the crowd. Nearly every major company spends time and resources on producing and distributing these items at tradeshows, product showcases, etc.
But, have you thought of the concept through? Is the “gimme” the end of your campaign …
Cool, Clever Trends Help Personal Branding!
I have been watching, following and studying trends for many years. To see how demographics, events, cycles all intersect, converge and impact our lives in such immediate and long lasting ways is fascinating! The financial and banking collapse at the end of 2008, was a long time in coming, but once it hit it changed …
Personal Branding Weekly and Word of Mouth Follow-Up
This week we covered deadly sins, the curse of the expert, pitfalls to your brand in the waiting room and the “do’s and don’ts” of preserving your brand even when you say good-bye.
If you missed it, here they are in one easy place:
The Parent Dilemma by Jun Loayza Job Search Improvements: Customize Personal…How to Know When Your Personal Brand Isn’t Working
You’ve taken all the right steps. You came up with your personal brand, made business cards, customized your resume, wrote cover letters, accumulated recommendations, compiled a portfolio/blog/website, completed your social media profiles, and set up your professional, brand-compatible email account. You’ve networked, applied for jobs, and put yourself out there.
But after all that work, …
5 Tips for Protecting Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become arguably today’s most valuable job searching tool, providing it’s users with endless possibilities for networking, connecting with colleagues from the past, and promoting and developing their businesses. But did you ever stop and think that the way in which you use LinkedIn could actually hurt your job search prospects? Well it can! …
When They Just Aren’t That Into You
The toughest thing about creating a personal brand is just that—it’s personal.
So when someone doesn’t like you or how you present yourself, it hurts in a way that’s very different from representing a company or organization.
With video or TV appearances, it’s particularly tough because you are judged not just on what you say …
13 Offline Resources to Build Your Personal Brand
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The YEC recently published #FixYoungAmerica: How to Rebuild Our Economy and Put Young Americans Back to Work (for Good), …
Three Reasons Your Personal Brand Needs an Elevator Pitch
As a personal brand, one of the most important things you need in your tool belt to effectively help other people understand who you are, and how you can help them, is an effectively crafted elevator pitch.
While the thought of creating an elevator pitch for yourself may feel like a daunting task, here are …
3 Secrets To Looking More Likeable
It’s NOT “all about who you know.” This overused, inaccurate cliché cheapens the importance of presenting yourself the right way and building genuine relationships.
Here’s the truth: It’s all about who likes you and who respects you.
There is a HUGE difference between knowing someone (or having someone “know” you) and having someone like you …
The YEC Retooling and Retraining The American Workforce
Editor’s Note: The YEC is an organization that partners with us and authors many blog posts here. The YEC seeks to retool and retrain the American workforce with mentorship from successful startups.
America’s Top Entrepreneurs and Citi Set Out to Mentor the Nation’s Aspiring Business Owners
This Labor Day weekend, the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) …