How to Make Your Personal Branding Messages Resonate
The best way to ensure your personal branding message gets through to your clients, co-workers, and prospects is to fully engage them, so that your ideas resonate – or are in perfect sync – with them.
Resonate is also the title of a new book from Nancy Duarte, Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences.…
Real-Time Personal Branding
The pace of communication is speeding up every single day, with billions of pieces of content being produced, more people connecting through social networks, and consumers wanting to interact with brands online. There’s no doubt that you have to be on social networks now, if you want to be found, hired, and grow your business. …
Visual Thinking for Personal Branding Success
Visual thinking is a strategic tool that can make a major contribution to the personal branding success of anyone who has to plan ahead, make decisions, or convince others.
Visual thinking involves more than simply choosing colors and typefaces that project the right image; visual thinking is also a collaboration tool that helps individuals and …
7 Memorable Out of the Box Ways To Stand Out
Personal branding inspiration you won’t likely forget any time soon.
1) Do something amazing with a basic, everyday object
Most people’s yoyo skills are limited to making one go up and down, if they can even do that, which makes Jensen Kimmitt all the more impressive.
One of the things I love about this clip …
What’s In A Name? The Big “O”
When someone says The Big “O” it can have many different meanings depending on where in the country you live, what you spend your days doing and where your mind is at the moment. Hey, keep it clean folks, this is a personal branding blog not a, well, you know. (wink, wink)
For those of …
The Difference Between Being Inspired and Living Inspired
Sometimes it is nice to step away from social media marketing. I am going to do that today.
Many of us are extremely busy. We get caught up in the everyday occurrences in life and ignore the things that are truly important to us. Well.. maybe I am just talking to myself (which is completely …
Are You Lucky or Actually Good?
Through the years, I have always heard, “You are SO lucky, you are able to get whatever you want!”
It’s true I am able to get almost whatever I want, and although I laugh when I hear the frequently repeated remark, on a deeper level it’s almost insulting. The key to getting what you want …
Lessons in Personal Branding from NPR’s Car Talk
Tom and Ray Magliozzi’s Car Talk is one of the most successful personal brands on NPR, National Public Radio. The enduring strength of the Car Talk brand can be measured by:
Numbers. Over 4.4 million listeners tune-in each week, listening on 588 radio stations around the world. Fund raising. Car Talk is consistently one of…Personal Branding Interview: Nick Palazzo
Today, I spoke to Nick Palazzo, who is the co-founder of STACK, a multimedia sports brand that educates, inspires and entertains athletes. STACK recently launched a new social networking site for high-school athletes, the Gatorade Performance Center. In this interview, Nick talks about his new social network, brand partnerships, and more.
Why a social networking…Personal Branding Interview: Nick Friedman
Today, I spoke to Nick Friedman, who is the President and Co-Founder of COLLEGE HUNKS HAULING JUNK, the largest and fastest growing US-Based Junk Removal Franchise Opportunity. He recently co-authored his first book called Effortless Entrepreneur: Work Smart, Play Hard, Make Millions. In this interview, Nick talks about his new book, what it means to …