Push The Bottom Line With Employee Input
Some people are labor. They want to come in and do certain set things. Whether it be fixing toilets or submitting annual reports, this employee is not looking to innovate, think critically or in general, create positive change. Businesses NEED people like this. Not everyone wants the added responsibility of creating the path, some just …
The Most Dangerous Person in Business
Do you know this person? He has one idea. It might have been a good idea awhile back. It might be a reasonable place to begin thinking about solving a problem. But, when you boil it down, one idea makes for lousy problem-solving. It makes for a lousy workplace. That one idea person might be …
What to Do With Your Brand When in Transition?
You are a successful professional, known as an expert in your field, and valued in your circles of colleagues and partners. Your brand is solid.
But now you’re up to something new. Maybe you’ve gone from being an engineer to being a training consultant, from working in a public school system in Europe to working …
Personal Branding By Understanding The Hiring Process
Do you realize that how well you understand the hiring process has a big impact on your personal brand … and on your chances of getting hired?
Most job seekers think that understanding the hiring process just means learning the email address to send a resume (or URL to post). That’s really the least important …
The Fastest Way To Become An Expert On Anything
After failing my first major exam as a college student (note: it’s not wise to begin studying for an 8 am exam at midnight the night before), I decided to create a “studying process.” By using this process during the rest of my collegiate career, I survived college and was able to graduate from Johns …
Accepting a Job Offer at a Bad Company?
Many times, job seekers will make very quick decisions as to which firm they accept a job offer at only to find themselves unhappy shortly after starting with the company. The majority of the time, it is not their fault.
For many applicants it can be difficult to differentiate the great firms from the subpar …
We’re Never Experts In Our Own Hometowns
It’s one of the most frustrating hurdles for anyone who wants to be a paid consultant or professional speaker: you can’t get hired to speak at the event or consult for the company just a few miles from your house, even when you get paid a few thousand dollars to fly across the country and …
Don’t Get Mad…Get Productive
If someone gives you some feedback that consists of “This Sucks” — what do you do?
There are a few reactions you could have.
One reaction you could have is to get defensive. Another is to go on the offensive. And another is to Get Productive.
This post was inspired by a tweet from Scott …
Why Employees Quit Their Jobs
The expense of losing an employee is more than the cost of bringing one on board, yet companies continually let good workers slip through their hands. The reasons employees leave vary, but one thing is for sure, employers don’t hold all the cards, even in a tough job market.
“Companies can’t look at employees as …
The Value of Face Time for Your Personal Brand
Even as an established author who has held book signings before, I have to admit that I was nervous when I set out for Cherry Hill, NJ, this past Saturday. It was my first signing for my latest book, When Talent Isn’t Enough: Business Basics for the Creatively Inclined, but I wasn’t sure why I …